Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I received an email this morning from a very concerned person. Thank you UnNamed :)

I didn't realize I didn't say this about candles before. You don't blow out candles when you're working magic. It breaks the bonds. (maybe I didn't say it, because I didn't think about it...) in all honesty.  I usually snuff my candles when I put them out. I just don't normally think about it, as it's part of my closing ritual.

I have a beautiful candle snuffer I use.

Eventually I'll take photos of all of all of my magical tools.

I wanted to share this information incase I didn't earlier, in any of my previous posts.

Thank you again UnNamed. <3

If you have anything you'd like to share with me, please, send me a message. I love topic ideas, questions, and constructive criticism.

May you all have a blessed Yule. (with only three days to go).

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, December 13, 2013


Every year since my daughter was in first or second grade, the kids started making photo Christmas Ornaments. This means they take a photo of themselves and make it so they can hang it on the tree.

Fact is, I call it Christmas ornaments when I really think of it as Yule Ornaments.  Just one more thing the Christians "Stole" from pagan traditions.

Here's a link: <a href="http://wicca.com/celtic/akasha/yule.htm">Wicca.com/Yule</a> <i>This site explains what Yule is, the history and traditions.</i>

We've followed most of them most of my life. Even after I dedicated myself to being Pagan *and more specifically Wiccan* For the most part I tend to refer to our holiday as "Christmas" Although in my heart of hearts, I think in my mind "YULE" But because of my bad experiences when I was a teenager, and everyone criticizing me, trying to change my beliefs and all... I decided even if I am celebrating the Pagan/Wiccan way, calling it the "commonly known name" helps when people ask what I'm doing for "Christmas."

This way I can say, "On Christmas we're going to ____'s mom's house for breakfast, then to his dad's." And I can honestly say, it doesn't bother me. My birthday is the next day... I kind of always had a bit of... Hatred towards Christmas... Maybe I'm just resentful because my mother has spent the past almost 30 years saying "I did you a favor holding you off those last two days" like she could REALLY control if I was born when she first went into labor Christmas Eve or not... But hey... That's not my problem, I didn't ask her to do such a thing ;)

Back to my topic! A few people asked me what We're going to do tomorrow with the "HUGE STORM" coming in, I said "Nothing, I plan to sit at home and relax." Them-"Make Cookies? And treats?" Me-"No, maybe do some Photo Ornaments, hang out, read a book, drink tea???" In my head I'm like "Pull out my paints maybe??? or go out IN THE STORM and take beautiful snowy photos" <3 <3 <3

I know that in the past almost 15 years, the world has become more accepting towards Wiccans & Pagans, but I still feel like, deep down, Christians will never get it & I'll always be looked at like I have three heads when I tell someone I celebrate "Yule" instead of "Christmas"

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Just a few short weeks away, Yule is arriving so quickly!

Do any of you celebrate all the holidays? I'm curious. I do celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Yule. I know it's strange to think about, being that Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't Pagan holidays, they're more... traditional than religious in our lives.

Once upon a time Family came first, and the holidays meant FAMILY, but now? With commercialism, that's getting less and less important.  Thanksgiving night stores open up after dinner time, so people wanting "Deals" can come spend money they don't really have to spend. Then the next day they have "Early Bird" savings, where more people try to "save" more money by spending more that they can't afford.

Christmas is now about who gets what, now who sees who.

My kids are to the point they ask for "necessities" for Christmas, that's the only time they get New clothes, other than that, they only get hand-me-downs. Sometimes, I give them nice hand-me-downs for Christmas depending on when we get them.


That is a holiday where we have a special dinner, and game night. We spend that extra few hours relaxing and turning out the world. We sit around our tree, and share our love for one another. NO GIFTS.

Sometimes we have to go to a Christmas party and we don't get to spend Yule the way we want to (totally) but when it comes to myself and my kids, Yule is celebrated the way WE WANT. It's special family time, including some bird seed offerings, maybe some bread? a craft to bring out into the snow, by the garden for the Goddess and her animals.

It's one of the small things we do that mean a lot in our hearts.

And it's also a Holiday that the department stores don't consider when they're making cards or selling junk to the consumer.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Holiday Craft Fair

I just got a table at a holiday craft fair. The first place, where I was originally going to get a table, blew me off and was a public school. So, second place? The person in charge was JUMPING onto the idea of me getting a table. I'm like "OK Cool, if the first falls out, I'm all yours." Well, That table I just got?

It's at a Catholic School!

Tell me you get the humor in this!

A WITCH in a Catholic School!

But... I will be sure my artwork isn't "religious" to them & that they don't get offended by my wiccan items.

Lucky for me, most of the things I make are in general BEAUTIFUL and not religious.


I just find this quite amusing and I wanted to share.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Full Moon Magic?

I've never done Moon magic before. Let alone Full Moon Magic.

I wonder what I should do tonight? Maybe I'll just bring an offering out for her Goddess.

I'd like to do something, usually I don't realize it's a full moon until it's almost past. Tonight's Full Moon is "Officially Full" according to Nasa at 8:37pm here.

if I don't decide on a spell, I will take some bird seed, bread, and pieces of fruit & Veggies out to my garden where I usually leave my offerings for her. Say a little something, make a "wish" and hope all goes well.

Even if nothing happens, and I just keep going down the path I am on, Everything will be great for me.

Blessings all.

Sorry there's no spell, or really long entry today.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Smudging/Burning Sage

Smudging is a ritual you to to cleanse the home (office or vehicle) of negative energy.

The difference between smudging and burning sage is simple. If you're burning sage as incense, you don't need to bring it outside to disperse the negative energy.

What do you need???

White Sage *either leaves & a safe container to burn it in, or a smudging bundle* (both can be find at your local occult shop)

Lighter *or other method to burn it*

Most people think you need to light a HUGE amount to get the smoke, but the thing is? You don't! Just light enough to give a little smoke trail. The energy will attach to it. This will create a kind of trail for them to follow. Start at the furthest room from the door you wish to end at.

 Light it, and start your smoke trail.

Go into EVERY room and closet.

Wave your burning sage around to make sure all the negativity can grasp the smoke. Make a little pattern you can remember. Wave it around the bed, near clothes hanging in your closet, any space you wish to cleanse.

As you finish your trail, Don't worry about crossing an area you already passed, It's fine, they won't be upset.  Just keep going.

End by going OUTSIDE with your burning sage. This will help you bring the negativity outside.

Once outside you need to put out the emburs. Stop the smoke. The Goddess will absorb the energy into the Earth and it won't trail back into your house.

REPEAT this EVERY DAY for a week and you'll see the energy in your home, office, or vehicle will be different than when you started. Also, do it once a month or so to help keep it going.

The reason you repeat it for a week is so you can fully cleanse the energy from anything it is attached to. If you do it only a day, or two, the "dirty energy" will contaminate all you've cleaned. And 7 is a magic number.

Think about if you are gardening, you're covered in dirt, all over your hands, face, hair, clothes, and shoes. If you remove your shoes at the door, and wash your hands. Will the rest of the dirt find a way to get all over your house? In your food if you start cooking?

I hope this helped :) Remember you don't need to smoke yourself out of your house while smudging. Just light a little bit of your smudge and dance around your house. If you start the week off feeling icky, weighed down, and just "bla" you'll end the week Happy, light, and feeling much better.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Traditional Wiccan?

When you think of a "Traditional Wiccan" what do you think of?

A skinny woman with long hair, walking skyclad through the woods, with a huge bonfire? A woman with a crooked nose stirring a cauldron? A group of men and woman, standing in a circle, in robes out in a field, chanting together and dancing in the moonlight?

I don't know what I think of as being the "traditional" type really. I sometimes feel I am traditional at times. Then other times I feel I am probably the furthest from.

I don't have an altar, though I have all the pieces (except a wand... I think) ready for one. I don't do magic everyday. I don't always remember to make offerings. But yet? I talk to the Goddess and the God everyday. I study when I have time. I try to plan my day in a way they would like. I try to eat healthy, and "pray" everyday. I meditate a few times a week (because I don't usually remember) and I burn sage to remove bad energy. (I'll post a blog about that later)

I don't judge other people, or religions. I try to live an honest life.

I try to live my life a way that no matter what I do, Karma will be kind to me. Sadly, I'm human and it's not always easy.

We're currently working to remodel the house my boyfriend grew up in. This house was bought in the late 70s, and was built in 1906.

First we did the bathroom. The contractor finally showed up two weeks before school started in August. He said it would only take him "A week or two" to complete it. But it took more like two months... (and I didn't do anything negative...)  It still isn't finished, and all the things that belong in the bathroom are currently in my son's room, and he's sleeping on the couch.

Next, we had planned on doing the livingroom. But, slight plan change... We now have to wait because the main water line coming into the house needs to be replaced. (Yippee) but? I still haven't done magic?

maybe I need to bless this house?! Once the bathroom is finished, we're going to get my son's room back in order, and then the living room. and hopefully the porch will be third. After that, we'll take a few months off from doing anything, and save more money to do whatever the next projects will be.

When my livingroom is done, I have a nice cabinet that will serve as my altar once everything else has been done. I'm looking forward to that. Nice hardwood floors being refinished, walls painted, a wall filled with bookshelves, and my alter, right in the heart of our home.

Small things that will make my house a home.

I may not be a "traditional wiccan" but my heart is there, this is what I am. Blessings <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, November 4, 2013

Spell Work

Every spell has different results for different people. For instance, I have tried all spells I post on my blog, but that doesn't mean it'll work, or work the same if you try it.

My key things I do when I cast magic is...

I get all my "supplies" ready first

I envision what I want to do, and picture what I need to do to accomplish it.

I prepare myself for any misunderstandings the universe might give me, and address them.

I get energy flowing by creating a circle and drawing the magic inside myself.

I then make magic, focusing on my cause and the desired results.

After my spell is complete, I let go of the energy I drew up, and set it free into the universe. POSITIVEly sure that the spell will work, and not thinking about it again.

Once I have finished, I clean up and put everything away.

I don't think again about that spell. I go on with my day as if it never happened & it was all just a dream. The energy has left me, so has the magic I weaved.

The time it takes for a spell? I'm not sure about that. Sometimes I feel that it happens right away, other times? It seems to take a long time.

I've NEVER worked "Black" or "Dark" magic. I refuse to use "sacrifices" for any purpose, I won't use blood, or animal products.

When I leave an offering? I leave bread and vegetables, things the earth or animals can consume without harm. I NEVER leave Rice, or anything that can hurt a bird.

We recycle, and try not to create a ton of garbage.

When I  need to "direct" a spell, I either envision them to the best of my abilities, or I use a photo of them. Or a drawing that (in some cases is a stick figure) I can use to focus if nothing else works. If You don't have the physical items you need, but a VIVID imagination, some of the spells you can work without anything in hand. Although it's best to use the objects you need. I have been spell casting for 13 years. I've been studying for 16 years.

I cannot tell you that my spells will work for you, that is something YOU have to decide. If you wish to use a KARMA spell, remember that if you're a "bitch" to people, and you're looking for revenge, that is NOT a good idea. If you want revenge but you don't want to hurt someone, go with a nice simple BINDING spell.

Binding a person from doing harm is much better than doing a Karma Spell to start with.

This way when the three fold happens First you've bound someone from doing bad things, INCLUDING YOURSELF.  and after, when you do a Karma Spell, hopefully you've already gotten all the bad returned that when you get the threefold of your initial actions, then the Threefold Karma, (3x3=9) you're not in a bad place.  If you do the Karma spell and you've not lived by the Goddess for a long time, you've been mean, or you've not paid much attention to how you behave, that makes you at risk for 9 times whatever you've put out there.

I also don't know if there is a limit to how long my spells work for, how powerful they are, or if they'll work at random.

PLEASE remember, anything you do, will come back to you TIMES THREE!

And any spells you do that are not "IN general" spells, aren't allowed.  Binding someone from doing harm is protecting them from themselves. A Karma Spell means if you cast it on someone it will (or should) also give them their Karma whether it's good or bad. In theory this means you can cast a Karma spell on a loved one who does everything (or almost everything) right, and the world still "shits on them."

If You plan to do a spell on someone DIRECTLY, you need their permission. You CANNOT do a LOVE SPELL on a person. You can do a "FIND LOVE" spell, as long as you don't direct it on a specific person.

There are MANY MANY rules when doing Spell Work. This is just a basic lesson, and my opinions.

If you go through some earlier entries, you'll see some of my spells.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Samhain is tomorrow :) Said "SAH-win"  It's HALLOWEEN for those who don't know better.

My favorite holiday. To me, it's better than Christmas. Sure, there's no presents, but Samhain is so much better. You honor the loved ones past, and get to communicate with them. The vail from one world to the other is thinner. You can dress the way you want to, and NO ONE will judge you for being different.

I would love to wear my cape all winter long, I would love to dress in my wiccan dress all the time, but then, people would think I'm strange.

I want to get some ritual clothes, but I am waiting until I have my altar set up permanently.

This is the week most of my father's family died, and the funerals were held on Halloween. (easier crossings)

I remember when I was 6, my grandfather died. We buried him on Halloween. I went home that night, dressed all black in my witch's costume and begged everyone to bring me out trick or treating. I said "Grandpa's not gone. I'll talk to him later. Right now, he wants me to go get candy!"  No one believed me, but my mother had someone bring me for an hour or so after I begged and begged and begged.  They thought I was being greedy because I still wanted to trick or treat, but that was when I first believed what I believe. Truly, without a doubt.

Every year since? I trick or treat (myself or with my children, or friends kids), and go home, light a candle & talk to my dearly missed loved ones.

My grandmother joined him 5 years ago, and since, I haven't heard from them. I guess they've moved forward.  <3 I miss them, but I'm glad they're together again.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, October 24, 2013

MY Black Magic opinion

I felt the desire to post my opinion about black magic and hexes. I don't like the idea of them. Not for the fact that they hurt people and such, but because, in the end, you'll only end up hurting yourself.

My ex-mother-in-law did her share of dark magic. I'm not exactly sure how or anything. But I do know, NOW that she was to blame for my ankle being broken.

The day I broke my ankle? I was doing laundry like any other day, I slipped on the stairs and my ankle broke in three places, and two more in my foot.  It took over a year to heal.

I sent out a Karma spell aimed at my Ex because he has hurt everyone he's ever "been with" He finds weak and vulnerable women, and exploits them.  He found me when I was weak, insecure, and "damaged goods". Then? He decided to take me away from the few friends I had, and made me think my family didn't love me in any degree. First thing he did was pull me away from everyone, making him the only person I had to link me to "the real world", Next I got pregnant (while on birth control) and he started cheating on me (not sure exactly when that started...  After the baby was born, he started hitting me. This is AFTER the emotional abuse I tried to ignore. Then I forgave him for the physical abuse, until the day he RAPED ME!

I saw him "happy" and raising another person's child as if that was his kid. AFTER he abandoned my TWO children by him, and his daughter by his second wife. He also beat her, and almost killed wife #2.  He then put almost Wife #3 into the hospital, for over two weeks, from his abuse...

I decided he needed Karma to visit him. Indeed it did! Karma came to many of us. Him, his mother, his brother, and ME!

His mother had surgery or something on her leg, the same as what I broke. For what she said "was no reason" but it was necessary.  He was finally caught working and not paying child support. He's also being abused by this girlfriend he lives in another state with.

ME? Well, This year is full of POSITIVES. and I might have a few bad days, emotional break downs, and not the best of moods. In the grand scheme of things? Everything is going great. Karma is finally giving me my dues. (happy thoughts)

So! About the Black Magic, Dark Magic, Curses, Hexes??? Why don't I mess with that stuff???  Because it'll come back to me. I try to keep my temper under control, I try to stay calm, relaxed, and positive. I try to take bad things as they come, try not to stress out too much, and send out blessings and positivity daily.


The rule of THREE! The KARMA RULE! The way EVERYTHING comes back times three. I see it as, every single "good deed" I complete, will inturn come back to me times three. For instance, If I give $50 to charity. Whether it's the fire department, children's hospital, womens' center, cancer...ect.. I feel that will come back to me. It doesn't mean it'll be $150 in cash, but it could be that feeling it gave those people to have help from that money, returned to me by three. Having help that is WORTH that money? Anything really.


Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wiccan Calendar.

I've decided I want to create a calendar for next year. I've got some cute ideas. I'm going to base it on our religion.

First 8 photos will be still lives of the Sabbaths. The other four? I'm not quite so sure just yet. Any ideas?

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, October 7, 2013


I love Christians. Especially when they find out I'm Wiccan, and tell me I'm going to hell. I can't help but laugh. For whatever reason, they think I am going to hell! But what they don't realize, is HELL is a Christian creation.

Wicca is peaceful and loving. What's wrong with that.

I'll go to Hell, sounds like a place great for BBQs ;)

Just wanted to share a little laugh. <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I've been "googling" Mabon. I don't know if it's September 22, or 23 this year. But I figure I should take the time to write a short blog about it.

Mabon is the Autumnal Equanox and is a Pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the God during the coming winter months.

Like "Thanksgiving" only in September. :)

Maybe I'll have a feast here? Make Turkey (or chicken) with all the "Thanksgiving" fixings. Stuffing? Veggies, Cranberry sauce. Sparkling juice.

)O( And I'll even go give the Goddess a nice offering

I hope this gives you something to think about. Happy September all.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Not so much Wiccan Based thoughts from this Wiccan today...

Alright, today I felt I needed to blog. This is a rare type of entry on Blogger for me, but I wanted to let you know, I haven't abandoned my beliefs or my blog.

I've been getting quite busy with my "real life" as it would possibly be considered...

The kids are back in school, I'm back to driving the bus. My photography is really starting to take off. Who would have thought, just 3 months would make me go from "Hobby" to getting paid!

I'm starting to be in demand for mommy-to-be and new moms. I feel pretty good about that too. <3

I have found that with the worst days, the one thing that can make even the worst day feel better for me is photography. No matter if I'm taking photos, or editing them, it is my vice, my passion.

The weather outside is so beautiful I'm proud to say I can use that to my advantage right now. I put my first mommy-to-be in a bikini and shot a BEAUTIFUL photo of her in the grass. Pregnant women remind me of the magic of Gaia. Another reason I am so proud to show it off.


My parents' anniversary was yesterday, "my first day of school" as the kids keep saying... They've been together 41+ years... I don't remember if it's 42, 43, 44... LOL! I think it's 41 married, and 42 together... either way really...

I hope my guy and I make it that long (or longer) together. I would be crushed if anything were ever to happen between us. I'm so glad we're together. He brought me sunlight when my life was dark, strength when I was weak, and protection when I needed it. (still does all of that) He's the man of my dreams, Even if he thinks he's just "ehh" looking. I don't care about his looks, I only care about how I feel when we're together, and how I feel when we're apart. And when we're apart? I miss him! Like right now, I just saw him an hour ago, and I can't wait for work to be over, so I can see him again soon.


My "Bio" as on FB ;)

I have always loved photography and being creative. I remember sitting on my grandfather's lap and him telling me about where he was and the memories he had of when he took the millions of photos he did. Art has always run in my blood and I have always had a passion for sharing my "images".

My mother taught me to sew when I was a toddler, about 2 or 3 years old.  From there, I have learned to sew, crochet, knit, do needle point, make jewelry, and much more.

Many of my props are handmade.

I have taken photography, art, graphic & web design courses, and I've been to beauty school.

I started taking Photography courses when I was about 16 years old. I have found this to be one of the best ways to relax. Though, I first started taking photos when I was about 7 years old. I've been using a SLR camera for over 10 years, and just recently switched to DSLR (please ask me what this means).

I bought my first SLR camera in 2002, and I've been working on my art since.

I'd like to open a studio in about 2 years in my area.

My life goal is to show the world the magic I see in everyday life, using photography as my medium. 


I guess that's enough of a blog/update for today. I'm sorry it's not all about the next full moon or holiday... or other Wiccan materials that we come across in our lives. But today, I just wanted to share this. <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, August 16, 2013


In Wicca, handfasting" is a term used for a wedding ceremony. The marriage vows taken may be for "a year and a day," "a lifetime", "for all of eternity" or "for as long as love shall last." As with many Neopagan rituals, some groups may use historically attested forms of the ceremony, striving to be as traditional as possible, while others may use only the basic idea of handfasting and largely create a new ceremony. In some traditions, the couple may jump over a broom at the end of the ceremony. Some may instead leap over a small fire together.

The couple must first chose a ribbon or cord in which to use, this ritual calls for simple cord, tied in a bow with an opening loose enough so that the hands can come out freely, or simply draped across the hands. The couple saves the ribbon or cloth as a keepsake. Here are some words that can be said with handfasting:
"(Bride and Groom), as yourhands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth.
Like the stars your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow."
Have them exchange their own writt
en vows or perhaps the traditional rings. Afterwards the celebration can continue however planned.

I took this from a timeline on Facebook "Pagan Parents" <a href="https://www.facebook.com/wiccanparents ">https://www.facebook.com/wiccanparents</a>

I saw it and decided I need to share it in my blog, with my opinion.

I was married when I was 17 and pregnant. I married a man who later began to abuse me in every possible way. We were together for the grand total of about 3 years, and it ended in an ugly divorce and me with two beautiful children and a broken spirit.

Now, I look at marriage and I feel like it may end up on the road to a similar fate. Me sad and alone, broken with children who have no father. Although in reality, it's a fear I know is irrational when it comes to my guy.

Eventually we would like to get married, when the kids are grown a bit more, and we can afford the "party." For now, it is more like a piece of paper than anything else. But, when I herd about handfasting, Marriage started sounding beautiful again. Not only would we be bound by paper, legally, but if we incorporate this ceremony into our wedding, it'll be more than a piece of paper and words in front of a large group of friends and family.  It'll be us saying we choose to be together because we want to be together. This is something that If I can show my guy why this should be included, I will feel better.

My "Dream Wedding" is something mostly simple. Out on a field at the top of a hill or mountain, looking out onto a beautiful landscape. I would prefer to get married during an eclipse instead of dawn or dusk. I want to "pose" my wedding photos so that it looks even better. The sun and moon kissing as we're holding hands, tied from handfasting. And hopefully kissing under the eclipse.

Sure, it sounds nutty to anyone who doesn't understand me or my beliefs, but that's what I want. Even if we only had 20 people at our wedding. That's what I'd want.

I found a beautiful location here, so it isn't too far even for the farthest of friends and family we'd include. It has many places where you can stand and be photographed over the landscape during the rising/setting sun and even the eclipse.  They have a pavilion we can have tables set up inside. People can stand or carry chairs out to watch the small ceremony, then go back "inside" to eat and enjoy a BBQ type lunch/dinner.

Even if we had 50 people, I think we would have a grand time. It would be fun for all ages and it wouldn't be one of those LONG "never ending" boring ceremonies everyone tends to have. I don't need bridesmaids and ushers, a flower girl... No parade for my wedding. Just the two of us in front of our loved ones, tying our lives together.  Small and Beautiful.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Star Gazing

Last night I brought my kids star gazing. The meteor shower was August 11th and 12th. We were out there at 9:30-11:00 pm, and the kids wanted to go home to bed. I brought my brother, and he was already falling asleep so we packed up and went home just as the show was beginning to get AWESOME!

While I was there, I did get some beautiful images of the night and I seemed to capture a few of them.

I wish I had been able to go longer, or later, or by myself... (maybe if I left my brother home, the kids would have fallen asleep in the back of my truck and we could have seen the major part of the show.

Well, We had a blast staying up late, watching stars and taking photos.

Here are the photos I thought came out best. )O(

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fourth Of July Weekend

Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I did finally get my glow in the dark earrings made. Now I just need to get around to taking photos and posting those ***Happy Face***

What else has happened so far? My tween daughter wants to try her first spell. I'm not sure how I feel about this. But I got her the supplies needed and gave her a journal to keep track of what she does and what the outcomes are. Hopefully she will have good luck with her first attempt. Also, she wants me to teach her how to use her tarot cards. Boy this is harder than I thought it would be. I learned everything by trial and error, I didn't have anyone to "teach me" anything... what if I'm wrong?   Okay, we'll see where this road brings us!

My man bought a new truck, no more minivan mommy here. (no more extra seats...) now I have a five seat truck and BOY IS IT FUN! It's a 2010 Dodge Ram & Black, it needs a name.

I haven't really done too much Wiccan way... except my daily "Thank you Goddess" And "Money Soap" Spell I do in my shower.

Also? I finally got my courses opened up again. Four more and I'm going to have enough credits for my Associate's degree in Computer Information Management. (How life flies when you take a break) The course I stopped on was annoying me and I didn't have anything fun to look forward to. Now, I found my next course is Web Design! OH YEAH! I was writing HTML Codes in HIGH SCHOOL and I use them now!

So excited! And soon, I'll have more photography stuff and I'll have all I need. (education wise) I think!

Then again, I might find more courses I should take and add up to having more stuff going on in the future.

I hope everyone's Fourth of July Weekend was as fun as mine so far.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is when Mercury appears to be traveling in the opposite direction. It lasts for about two or three weeks at a time, and happens three or four times a year.

It can help or hinder a person, depending on their astrological sign and personality.

I'm a Capricorn, and I don't know how this effects me... There are some people who I can obviously watch change when it happens. They get oddly weird, whether it's in a good way or not.

My son for instance... He gets extra whiny, he's 10 and reads two grades ahead of himself. He can also do his sister's homework. (she's two grades above)... When Mercury is in Retrograde, he gets extra whiny, and testing... I hope it's something he'll out grow as he goes through puberty, but who knows really? He may just learn how to control it better.

My daughter? She has ADHD, it doesn't seem to effect her the same way. She get's an ear ache or sore throat when it happens. Nothing that is overwhelming, but she says she feels "weird" and needs extra sleep.

My littlest? Not sure yet how it will effect him. But the first night of the retrograde, he stayed awake until after 11, and was awake at 5 am, without a nap. That all finally hit him last night when he was over tired, and fussy. Threw a fit because I couldn't hold him AND COOK DINNER! He worked himself into an asthma attack. After his nebulizer, he was falling asleep sitting up. I'm not sure if that's because of his lack of sleep, or because of the meds. But it's never happened before.

Me? I tend to have a migraine during the whole thing. I've never thought of it being because of Mercury Retrograde, but I guess I can kind of blame it on that if I pay attention enough... Who knows.

I wonder how this effects others, if it really makes a difference or if it's all in our heads.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Teenage Parenthood

I'm sure everyone has had their opinion about this over the years... And I'm also sure that I'm considered a hypocrite because of my honest opinion of it. In my generation, so many teenagers had kids that the current teens should see how difficult we have had it to make anything, if anything, of ourselves.

The kids have a choice, they can prevent themselves from having to fallow the same difficult uphill battle in their lives by not having sex, or by avoiding pregnancy... or they can "try to do it better"...

Today I went to a baby shower for a 17 year old girl... The gift table made me sick! all the things I had to get second hand and from my parent aid, she got brand new from the people at her baby shower. Her friends from high school? They all have babies... It was disgusting.  There were over 50 people there (plus their families) and it was over the top...

A barbecue for the expectant mother should have been a bust... a teenage mother shouldn't have 70+ people giving her diapers and wipes... They should be giving her condoms, not a crib...

We were there for THREE HOURS and they were still playing those stupid baby shower games... it was such a long, dragged out... boring day... nothing was worth it... I was sitting there listening to the mommy to be talk about how she's going to go back to school, work full time... Where is the baby going to be??? She doesn't know yet, but figures she's got about three months before she has to figure that out... At least!

The baby daddy? They've been together for 15 months, 9 of those, she has been pregnant... and the relationship has been on and off the whole time...

When I was 17 and having a baby, I got married... my parents, his mother, my brother and his best friend, his brother and sister... and a date for his family... one of my friends, and one of his friends... that's 15 people TOTAL for my wedding... including me, my ex-husband, and the person who married us...

Today was a joke! I am upset because this was like that family was MOCKING the fact that she is a BABY HAVING A BABY!

Everything will work out in the end, sure... but that doesn't make this a good thing...

I love her, she's family... but really, seeing what the teenagers think about teenage parenthood today, is sickening. They should be ASHAMED not proud. Ashamed because they chose to be parents when they didn't finish high school yet...

When I got married, I had already gotten my GED by then... I brought my newborn to my graduation. Life was difficult. That's what it's supposed to be when kids have kids... not 50+ people showing up and giving the teenage mother gifts and pretending she is 27 & married. With a degree in SOMETHING and them have been PLANNING ON A BABY!

I went to a huge baby shower for a girl, engaged, with her man for 10+ years, bought a house together (before she got pregnant)... That was 125 or so people. It was fun, not mocking at all. Kids ran around, mothers chatted, and everything was great... Today made that a joke!

Baby showers are supposed to be a good thing, teenage parenthood isn't supposed to be a good thing...

Ok, I'm sorry that today's blog wasn't Wiccan Themed, but I needed to vent this out... My next blog will be a much lighter happier topic.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Equinox

Yesterday was the Summer Equinox.

        Normally, I would have done a little something for the Goddess, but I never got a chance between everything that I did end up doing.

      I enjoyed some much needed relaxing time outside and thanked her slightly.

Then we had to go to a birthday party.

That's where I took These Pictures.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Plans

I don't have much for summer plans yet. As of right now, I plan on spending a ton of time potty training and making jewelry.

I think I'll have a bunch of days going out early and hiking, hanging out with friends, and trying to keep the kids doing what they're supposed to do.

Wiccan plans? September is the Pagan Festival. Until then? I think I'll keep making stuff so that I can sell on eBay or get a table out at the festival.  I can't be sure that I'll get a table, but it's a nice thought!

I also want to spend my summer getting into my photography big time. I decided I want to open a shop that sells stuff from local artists. I think it would do really well, Especially because we're in the perfect location. Big city people come here to find special unique items, and if I were to open a shop named it "Everything Under The Sun, Moon, and Stars", the shop would do really well. I could have half the shop carrying items for locals, and the other side for my photography.

I don't know if that would really make it out here, but I think I could do well! We'll see, right now I need to decide what I really want to do, and then I need to do it.

Summer plans?

  1. Make Jewelry
  2. Concentrate on Photography
  3. Potty Train my Toddler
  4. Bring the kids
    • Hiking
    • Bike Riding
    • Swimming
    • Hanging with Friends
  5. Hopefully find awesome family fun things to do 
I hope you have a great summer and plans to go with it :)

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jewelry Making

At some point this week, I'll be making Beads, and earrings with those beads.

So far, I have decided I will make One type of bead a Black bead, with a Glow in the Dark Pentacle.

I will also make one that has the Goddess symbol )O( But I haven't decided the colors yet.

I have to decide on them before I get too far into this project. Once the beads are made, and earrings created, I will put them onto eBay with the rest of my earrings.

If I make enough of them, maybe I'll get a table at the Pagan Festival this fall? That would be COOL! Plus, I'd have a serious reason for getting my ass out there to the festival this year!

Okay, Now, PLEASE Give me some ideas of things that would be really pretty as a bead...

I'm sure I'll come up with some lovely things once I get moving. But for now, I think I'll stick with those two, and see how they come out.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ebay & Facebook

I have an Ebay selling account. I just put up some new earrings for sale, Take a look if you're interested.

And my Photography has a page on Facebook.


Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, June 14, 2013

Money Spell

Last month I did a "Money Spell" I will include this spell at the end of the entry for you... I did what I'm supposed to and Here I am, almost a month later and I think that this is because of it!

I went down town to pick up my cauldron that I had on hold for a few days before I could go in to pick it up today. Earlier they weren't in, and we decided to take a walk up that way in town to see if they were there. Though they shouldn't have been there cause the woman said they'd be leaving by like five and it was almost six...

We get to where a friend of mine is standing outside of her shop, I had no idea she was closing it down. But while we were there, she says, "oh I have to give you your unsold earrings" I end up visiting for a while, get my unsold and a check for $70.00 that I thought I just wouldn't get. I figured the earrings and things were just "donated" to her because it's been two years, and I've herd NOTHING!

Well, I come home with a check, and my cauldron. (the guy showed up while I was visiting) and now, I'm like, This spell? I totally have to share it!

Now with no further wait! Here is the

Money Spell

Things you'll need:
  • A blank Check (or a piece of paper about the same size writing out to resemble a check
  • Green writing pen (or dragon's blood ink and quill)
  • A Full MOON
Within 24 hours of the FULL MOON, take out your blank Check and fill it in as fallows:

Amount: "Paid In Full" (in both places...)
Signature: "Law Of Abundance"

Place this check in an envelope somewhere safe and forget about it. Don't think about it at all once it is away. If you think about it, the spell loses it's power because the energy cannot leave you and enter the universe to return...

NOTE: DO NOT WRITE "VOID" ON ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH THIS "CHECK" in your ledger, or carbon copy write "Abundance Spell" or something that will remind you this check wasn't lost or stolen. But if you write anything NEGATIVE in regards to this, it will make it so the spell doesn't work. 

Your check or paper will be kind of like...

Pay to the order of:____Your Name____(or person this spell is for)
Amount:____Paid In Full____
Note:___(whatever you want to write if anything)
Signature:___Law of Abundance___

Remember, this can only be done on the night of a FULL MOON


and you cannot share it with anyone to brag about it (well... not to bring it up all the time...) Let the energy go once you've cast your spell, and see what happens. 

It has been almost a month! I had to share. 

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Wiccan Tools

For years I have been slowly trying to find all the "perfect" tools for my supply.

I have been searching for over a decade.

Here is a list of things you "need"

  • Altar
  • Altar Cloth
  • Atheme (a dagger type knife)
  • Bell
  • Besom (broom)
  • Book of Shadows
  • Boline (about 4" blade, looks like a hunting knife. A tool used for cutting, unlike the Atheme. & Similar to a pairing knife)
  • Candles (Variation of sizes and colors. Every color has a different use, and some spells you need to let the candle burn out so watch what size you have if that is the case)
  • Cape
  • Cauldron
  • Chalice
  • Herbs & Oils
  • Incense Censor or burner
  • Pentacle
  • Robe
  • Stones & Crystals
  • A Sward (not used often)
  • Wand
  • Staff (sometimes instead of a wand)
I have not found everything I need, for instance A place for my altar is still unknown to me. I have some ideas as to what I will use for my altar, but nothing in "stone" yet. 

I have my altar cloth, book of shadows, candles, cauldron (which I will receive FRIDAY), Herbs & Oils (though I'm sure I need more in the future), Incense burner & Censor, Pentacle, Cape, and bell. 

I have been looking for materials to make my broom, robe, wand, and staff from. I have also been on the look out for the perfect atheme and boline. I don't think I need a sward, but if I come across one that I am in love with, Then that will happen. 

Eventually, I'll put what I have together and take a picture to share, but with my job, and busy schedule, I don't have all the time I need to get moving on that task. 

In case you haven't noticed, I am a very artsy person. I love art in all forms. My life dream is to show everyone the magic in everyday life though my photography or art. I hope I can do it. I figure I only have... 70 years or so left to succeed.  So far? I think I've done well. 

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

13th Entry

Thirteen is a special number to me. There are numbers that are "lucky" or "unlucky" to many people. This number is neither lucky or unlucky to me. It just holds special meaning.

This entry is my Thirteenth.

Some reasons that this is a special number? Well, First off, My Favorite grandparent was my grandmother. She was the thirteenth child of her and her thirteen siblings (total of 14 kids) She has always been special to me.

My Thirteenth birthday was a bust, broke my heart, and yet, it still has a special place (of heartbreak and disappointment) in my heart.

It has been 13 years since I met my ex-husband. My first love. (he broke my heart...)

Well, with all the ups and downs that come with the number, it still holds a special place in my heart.

I wanted to include an awesome topic with this entry, but I'm not quite sure what would be a good one.

I have polymer clay, I'm planning on making a few sets of runes to sell on E-bay at some point.

I was also thinking about creating a set of "training" cards for the runes (that you could do readings with also.) If I do that, Maybe I'll make a "training set" of tarot cards too?  We'll see.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Flowers, Fairies, & Gaia


My flowers are all growing beautifully, my seeds have taken and in a month, flowers will be EVERYWHERE.


My daughter and I made fairies today. Mine is in the garden while hers is waiting for a little more caring. (I'll put it out tomorrow)


I love Gaia! She has given us rain and sunshine. Best week in a while.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, June 7, 2013

Moon Phases

Moon phases have special power over magic, and hold meaning in the Wiccan and Pagan world.

Tomorrow, June 8th is a NEW MOON. This would be a good time to do spells to Start something.

Moon Magic Link

This link brings you to a more "experienced" witch's site.

There is tons of spells out there. But this phase, New moon to waxing. Is perfect when you're Starting a business, or a relationship. Starting a project. Anything that you are beginning, This is a good time to start.

also- according to This Site These are also good things to cover under a new moon. 
  •  Cleansing and purifying of the body and mind
  • Rituals that designate sacred space
  • Any magic related to inner harmony and peace 

I'll have more entries about Moon Phases in the future.

Oh, A blue moon, is the SECOND FULL MOON in ONE MONTH. The next one is supposed to arrive August 21, 2013  according to Wikipedia but we all know how "correct" that information is.

the links blend in, if you hold your mouse over a link, it will become underlined.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be


There are only a few things I have never had in. My Wiccan items. A wand and an anthem.  Last week I went to my favorite witchy shop, and found the perfect stone for my wand. Now, I need to find the perfect branch and thank the goddess. Then I will begin working on it to create my magical tool.

I'm still on the search for my anthem....

I don't know what else I do not have. You'd think after traveling this path for 15 years, I would have everything by now.... But I don't.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, June 6, 2013


This is slightly not so Wiccan of an entry. At least for a bit.

I've been reading this series called "Sweep" if you are looking for something that is a Wiccan based novel, this is good. Plus it's a "tween" book. That means that each book is easy reading, and aimed for kids about 14 years old. (younger or older depending on the kid) Each book only takes me about three days to read while I'm at work.

Today, I was going to finally finish the 12th book. But last minute, my boss gave my "errand" to someone else. Not a big deal, but I was looking forward to hanging out with my middle child. Instead I'm home and disappointed.

Now, Books I have read that are ACTUALLY Wiccan books,

I have a huge list, The first book I have ever read was by Scott Cunningham. I'm not sure which book it was, but the title had something to do with Wicca. (Wicca for beginners? Living Wicca? I'm not sure) I own MANY BOOKS by Scott Cunningham, and others too. I think I'll play with my Wicca stuff today? I'm not sure, I'm sad today, so I feel I need to do something with the Goddess. Something artistic to make me feel better.

OH! I finally made my BOS. That's BEAUTIFUL! I'm proud of it! Now I need to fill it.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fullfil; An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the Rule of Three. 
Fallow this with mind and heart. 
Merry ye meet and merry ye part. 


If you don't understand what this means, you must be a bit of an idiot. (in my opinion) But of course, that doesn't really mean you are. But for those of you who aren't sure what this means, or are slightly confused because of the wording in this. Here is a translation for you. 

Simply, "An' ye harm none, do what ye will" means, you can do anything you want as long as it won't hurt ANYONE in turn. This means don't go throwing rocks someone. Don't be mean when you can be nice. Don't try to force someone to do something they don't want to do. 

Next? "What ye send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the Rule of Three" This means whatever you do, will come back to you threefold. If you hurt someone, then someone else will hurt you three times that. But if you give love to someone, three people will return that love to you. (A basic idea of the rule of three)

This is the simplest of rules that we fallow. We try to do our best to be our best, but mess up sometimes, mainly because we are human and are bound to make mistakes. 

This is also why when I said the karma spell before I explained that to me, it was worth it. Bringing the Karma upon a bad person is worth having Karma come back to me. (though if Karma is times three, then my spell may be nine times...) Oh wait! I've spent most of my life living by these simple "Rules" so if I get nine times what I put out, well... my life wouldn't be worse ;)

K, just a thought. 

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tarot Cards

I have this set of tarot cards that I got when I was like 14, or 15 years old. I don't remember exactly how old I was. But I went to the mall shopping, went into this "Blue Moon" store (that is now long gone) and these cards fell off the shelf when I was looking at books. I felt like they belonged to me.

I had never herd of tarot before then, and I've tried getting newer cards since. Those cards are showing wear, They're still in great shape, and will always hold a special place in my heart.

The unfortunate part is that every time I try to "replace" them, so they may retire and stay safely put away, I get weird readings. The only deck of cards that have ever been accurate for me, are these cards. I've only tried three sets since. (other than it) I guess I'm lucky, I found my "mate" in cards.  But I fear in another 15-20 years, I won't be able to use them much more.

Then I think about how good they are to me, How much I love them. I can NEVER retire my cards. I remember the day I bought them. I remember the experience. And the owner gave me a great deal on them because I couldn't afford the books I wanted and the deck. <3

I am amazed how long has passed since.

You couldn't possibly think 15 years can pass without at least THINKING about changing your tarot deck... But I only have the one. All others? They get lost, misplaced... Gift themselves to others.

I don't mind though. These cards are mine.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, May 31, 2013

Storms, Heat, & Gaia's Will

Wednesday Gaia had given us storms that took down trees. EVERYWHERE! I was amazed we never lost power. Thank goodness we took down trees last year to prevent any of the old weak ones falling on our house.

The roads I had to travel Thursday night were awful. Trees were strewn in the road. I was amazed they opened them to use so early.

Thursday and today we had heat in the 90's.

I am in awe of how Gaia can change what she gives us from one moment to another. I wish I wasn't on a schedule yesterday and today, and I could have taken out my camera and taken some artsy pictures of the trees.

~Remember, No matter what the weather is, or what happens during (or because of a storm), make sure you thank Gaia for keeping you and your family safe. If you wrong her, maybe you won't be so lucky. I haven't herd of any "Organic Farms" being destroyed by a tornado. Just a thought. Maybe, all the pollution we are causing in the world, is making Gaia angry.

Then again, Maybe she is just working on thinning out the trees, and cutting down on some critters.

I always say "Why Gaia?" when I drive down the road and pass fresh roadkill. I feel badly for the animals. But that is her will.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sort of a BOS

Seems as though I've decided that this blog will be kind of a Book Of Shadows (BOS) for me. I will eventually create a wonderful book of shadows. I've been planning it for years, yet never have I started it officially. I wanted to put in the Wiccan Rede, but I don't believe I need it. I think I may just put in notes that I find useful. Spells I have performed. (and possibly the results to some)

This blog? I think it is a sort of BOS for me. I am trying to remember the spells I have performed in the past, I want to document them.  Eventually I will have a BOS, and I will include a nice picture of it on here when I do. I am almost afraid to purchase an already made BOS because it doesn't have MY MAGIC in it. Every time I go to the store, I find some that hit my fancy, but don't seem to fit me. It's not like my wind chime. I found it, I Couldn't live without it.

I think my BOS will be a stack of parchment paper that I bind together and wrap with faux skin and a string of some kind. I may "etch" something on the front to make it an "official" BOS. But who knows now.

I hope you're enjoying my blog, & Can eventually start your own BOS to help you to document your experiences in life with Wicca.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Old Banishing Spell

6 years ago, I created this Banishing Spell. This way the cause of my broken heart, could stop interfering with my everyday life.

Items Needed:

1-Piece of Toilet Paper
2-A Pen
3-A Bathroom
4- A Clear mind of what you want to banish from your life

On a piece of toilet paper write down what you never want in your life again. (Writing "Heart Break" Will NOT WORK)

For example, when making your list think of people who cause more pain then pleasure in your life. Those are the things you can write on this paper. I wrote my Ex's names because no matter what I couldn't get them out of my life. Although I did tell my ex to GO AWAY And never come back. He still came up every time something good happened he had to be there to remind me of the bad.

After you make your list, imagine your life without these people. (Be careful you don't want to put people you still love on this list, you will never be able to get them back in your life.)

Walk  into the bathroom (unless of course you already are in there) Picture your life Happier, more peaceful, and without those people. (best results if you banish an abusive ex you don't want anywhere near you)

while you're picturing your Happier Life, toss the toilet paper list into the toilet. Flush and say

 "I banish you from my life, to never return the same way again."

Repeat that until all the water has gone down, and new has replaced it.  From there, release the spell, and let it work. Forget that you did it.

Good luck <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Karma Spell

I found this wonderful spell on the internet. It's a Karma Spell.

Usually I wouldn't want to mess with Karma, but this one is a little too enticing.  There are a few things you need.

1-A picture of the person you want Karma to work on
2-A red Candle
3-A clear mind.

(I'll put the spell the way I found it, then I'll explain how I'm changing it)

place the picture of the intended in front of the candle, close your eyes and visualize the power of three being cast upon them, then chant three times
'let cruelty, pain and evil ways
follow this villain through his days
reverse the torment he creates
to turn on him the crueler fate'

them blow out the candle.

(My version)

Instead of using just a plain red candle, I am going to make a special red candle with some Salt Petre, and Dragon's Blood added to the wax.

From there, I will do the spell about the same way. (at least as far as I know just from planning)

The candle will make the difference. The more work you put into it, the more magic it will give off.

I will later give a blog about how the spell went, and possibly an outcome much later. We'll see. He needs it.

"Let Cruelty, Pain, and Evil ways, fallow this man through his days. Reverse the pain he creates, to turn on him the Crueler Fate. All his actions from the past, will meet up with him at last, and stay with him until he has changed and taken full responsibility for his past. So Mote it Be."

This also means that three fold this Karma spell to myself means that all the bad things I have done in my life will pay back to me. Fortunately, I am usually kind, forgiving, honest. I try to harm none, and do the best I can along the way. The three fold law will apply to this I am sure, but the pain I will have to endure as a result of casting this spell can in no way be worse then the pain that man had given to me. He was abusive mentally, physically, sexually. Left me to raise our two children on my own (though after 5 years I found my love). He disowned my son when he discovered I was pregnant, though he raped me to create him. He hasn't paid any child support (except maybe $400 total dollars in the past 11 years). He broke my ribs, tried to kidnap my daughter, threatened to come take her away from me. Among many other things. Cheating on me, lying. Stealing from my daughter and myself. Stealing from his own mother, and blaming me. He beat his second wife, almost killed her, Killed his second child with her. It is like he feeds off of people's pain. When Karma attacks him, He will all but die. (i hope) He is a very evil man.

We'll see how this works. But I hope it will do the trick and I won't have to worry about money or him having "the good life" after causing so many of us pain.


I did a binding spell to his mother when she was torturing me in the past. Every time she would spy on me, or try to hurt me or my kids, I could tell it was her. I took an old picture of her, a piece of white ribbon and chanted.

"I Bind you (name), From doing Evil. Evil against yourself, and evil against others. I Bind you (name) from hurting others, and hurting yourself."

I repeated that until her whole photo was wrapped in the ribbon. Envisioning her being wrapped by a white light. I didn't bind good magic, healing magic. Only the bad stuff. She has been living an honest life since.

After I wrapped her photo and finished the spell COMPLETELY. I put the picture back in the album, and rolled my ribbon back up.

I reuse anything that I can.

When you're done with the spell, you need to feel the magic leave you and go into the universe. When no more "magic" flows from the image and ribbon, you're done, and can put everything away.


With that in mind, I think I may end up dripping some wax onto the picture of him, or using the picture as a candle stand. (not sure yet). I feel that if the photo is part of the wax, it will hold more power. I could be wrong, but when the Goddess tells me how to do something, I listen.

Maybe that's why I slightly change spells I find else where.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


For over a month I have been working on digging out this old garden in the house my love and I have finally bought. This garden was quite overgrown and filled with chaos.

At first, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it, but after a year of thinking and planning I decided to turn it into a butterfly/hummingbird garden. This means other creatures will be drawn as well.

6 weeks ago we started off by pulling out some old rhododendron bushes, and moving four other trees. I was going to save the hibiscuses, but now they have found a nice location by my toddler's playhouse. (I like them there, and I can't see them now)

After pulling weeds, Tilling, Raking, Tilling, fertilizing, tilling, the planting FINALLY started. I now have Butterfly bushes, Bleeding Hearts, and many other plants that just found their way into the garden this past weekend. After that was finished, I hung this BEAUTIFUL wind chime I found at my FAVORITE Store. From there, I put in solar lights. Now I'm waiting for a solar powered pump to arrive so I can put my fountain back together and put it into the garden.

This wasn't planned to be put together the way I have, but yet, it seems about right.

EARTH-the garden
AIR- the wind chime
FIRE- the solar lamps
WATER- the fountain.

Later when I have my fountain going, I will take my pictures and post them to my blog. I feel like I have honored the Goddess with my garden. It feels magical to me and I am proud of the way it has come out. Near there, I let my son plant an "eating garden." This is a place where eventually I'll have a pagola (or arbor) built so I can sit outside and speak to the Goddess, perform magic, and not worry about being judged.  Three sides will have lattice work so I can have vines climbing to help me with my privacy.

After my fountain is finished, I will put in my stepping stones, possibly put in some mulch, and take pictures of this wonder work of art. I will also take pictures through out the summer to show how much it has grown from the "baby plants" it is now, to what it will become in the next few months.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Get To Know Me

Hi there,

This is my first entry into this blog. Don't misunderstand me, this isn't my first blog. I have a few that I write in covering different topics.

This blog is "My Wiccan Thoughts," meaning if it's a magical topic, or has anything to do with Wicca (or paganism in general) I will try to write about it here.

I am the mother of three wonderful children, and I have the best man in my life a woman could ask for. All the key people in my life will show up here and there through out this blog, but they aren't my topic, so I will try to give only minimum mention to them.

I am 29 years old, I have been blogging since June 2005, and that blog currently has about 1,000 entries in it. I try to write regularly, though sometimes I can go days, weeks, or months with nothing. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. On top of that? I enjoy Art, Crafts, Photography, technology. I also love my Wiccan beliefs.

While I am Wiccan, and refer to myself as a witch, I have yet to go through the official year and a day training with a mentor. I have not found someone who beliefs the same things as I do, that also lives close enough to me to help me become one with my beliefs. Though, I do not doubt my spiritual path.

I am what one calls a "Solitary Witch," This means that instead of having a coven (although I have been searching) I practice alone.

I do not tend to do the whole "Making a circle" and "Lighting candles" thing, mostly because I'm afraid of the mess I will probably make, or burning down my house, or having someone walk in on me and getting scared of what I'm doing.

Although I have, in the past, created a circle and lit candles, and done magic the "traditional way" I tend to do most  of my daily rituals by "visualization." This means instead of lighting a candle and staring into the flame, I will imagine the flame. Instead of drawing a circle around me, I will imagine I have drawn the circle and see the magic flowing around me. It is a ton of meditation magic.  (that's what I think of it as) Occasionally, I do create spells, and practice them.

I feel as though the Goddess accepts me for who I am, and the ways I communicate with her. I believe you can't do something too wrong when you feel the Goddess approves. That is one of the many reasons why I am glad to be a solitary witch.

Though it is lonesome sometimes, and my love's family gets upset about it sometimes, I am okay with that.

When I first came out to my parents about what I believe, they didn't know how to react. I was afraid my family would fear I was working with the devil, when my mother asked me I answered with "I don't believe in the devil" and she wasn't sure what to say. After months of her asking me questions about what I believe she has become comfortable (and now it's been over a decade) with what I believe.

I have given other religions a chance, but none of them have had the same affect on my life as Wicca has. I am not a high priestess, I will probably never consider myself one. Instead, I will fallow my path the best that I can and share my thoughts with you.

If you would like my opinion or thoughts about some topic, feel free to ask. I am sure there is some way to contact me though my blog.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be