Monday, November 18, 2013

The Holiday Craft Fair

I just got a table at a holiday craft fair. The first place, where I was originally going to get a table, blew me off and was a public school. So, second place? The person in charge was JUMPING onto the idea of me getting a table. I'm like "OK Cool, if the first falls out, I'm all yours." Well, That table I just got?

It's at a Catholic School!

Tell me you get the humor in this!

A WITCH in a Catholic School!

But... I will be sure my artwork isn't "religious" to them & that they don't get offended by my wiccan items.

Lucky for me, most of the things I make are in general BEAUTIFUL and not religious.


I just find this quite amusing and I wanted to share.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Full Moon Magic?

I've never done Moon magic before. Let alone Full Moon Magic.

I wonder what I should do tonight? Maybe I'll just bring an offering out for her Goddess.

I'd like to do something, usually I don't realize it's a full moon until it's almost past. Tonight's Full Moon is "Officially Full" according to Nasa at 8:37pm here.

if I don't decide on a spell, I will take some bird seed, bread, and pieces of fruit & Veggies out to my garden where I usually leave my offerings for her. Say a little something, make a "wish" and hope all goes well.

Even if nothing happens, and I just keep going down the path I am on, Everything will be great for me.

Blessings all.

Sorry there's no spell, or really long entry today.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Smudging/Burning Sage

Smudging is a ritual you to to cleanse the home (office or vehicle) of negative energy.

The difference between smudging and burning sage is simple. If you're burning sage as incense, you don't need to bring it outside to disperse the negative energy.

What do you need???

White Sage *either leaves & a safe container to burn it in, or a smudging bundle* (both can be find at your local occult shop)

Lighter *or other method to burn it*

Most people think you need to light a HUGE amount to get the smoke, but the thing is? You don't! Just light enough to give a little smoke trail. The energy will attach to it. This will create a kind of trail for them to follow. Start at the furthest room from the door you wish to end at.

 Light it, and start your smoke trail.

Go into EVERY room and closet.

Wave your burning sage around to make sure all the negativity can grasp the smoke. Make a little pattern you can remember. Wave it around the bed, near clothes hanging in your closet, any space you wish to cleanse.

As you finish your trail, Don't worry about crossing an area you already passed, It's fine, they won't be upset.  Just keep going.

End by going OUTSIDE with your burning sage. This will help you bring the negativity outside.

Once outside you need to put out the emburs. Stop the smoke. The Goddess will absorb the energy into the Earth and it won't trail back into your house.

REPEAT this EVERY DAY for a week and you'll see the energy in your home, office, or vehicle will be different than when you started. Also, do it once a month or so to help keep it going.

The reason you repeat it for a week is so you can fully cleanse the energy from anything it is attached to. If you do it only a day, or two, the "dirty energy" will contaminate all you've cleaned. And 7 is a magic number.

Think about if you are gardening, you're covered in dirt, all over your hands, face, hair, clothes, and shoes. If you remove your shoes at the door, and wash your hands. Will the rest of the dirt find a way to get all over your house? In your food if you start cooking?

I hope this helped :) Remember you don't need to smoke yourself out of your house while smudging. Just light a little bit of your smudge and dance around your house. If you start the week off feeling icky, weighed down, and just "bla" you'll end the week Happy, light, and feeling much better.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Traditional Wiccan?

When you think of a "Traditional Wiccan" what do you think of?

A skinny woman with long hair, walking skyclad through the woods, with a huge bonfire? A woman with a crooked nose stirring a cauldron? A group of men and woman, standing in a circle, in robes out in a field, chanting together and dancing in the moonlight?

I don't know what I think of as being the "traditional" type really. I sometimes feel I am traditional at times. Then other times I feel I am probably the furthest from.

I don't have an altar, though I have all the pieces (except a wand... I think) ready for one. I don't do magic everyday. I don't always remember to make offerings. But yet? I talk to the Goddess and the God everyday. I study when I have time. I try to plan my day in a way they would like. I try to eat healthy, and "pray" everyday. I meditate a few times a week (because I don't usually remember) and I burn sage to remove bad energy. (I'll post a blog about that later)

I don't judge other people, or religions. I try to live an honest life.

I try to live my life a way that no matter what I do, Karma will be kind to me. Sadly, I'm human and it's not always easy.

We're currently working to remodel the house my boyfriend grew up in. This house was bought in the late 70s, and was built in 1906.

First we did the bathroom. The contractor finally showed up two weeks before school started in August. He said it would only take him "A week or two" to complete it. But it took more like two months... (and I didn't do anything negative...)  It still isn't finished, and all the things that belong in the bathroom are currently in my son's room, and he's sleeping on the couch.

Next, we had planned on doing the livingroom. But, slight plan change... We now have to wait because the main water line coming into the house needs to be replaced. (Yippee) but? I still haven't done magic?

maybe I need to bless this house?! Once the bathroom is finished, we're going to get my son's room back in order, and then the living room. and hopefully the porch will be third. After that, we'll take a few months off from doing anything, and save more money to do whatever the next projects will be.

When my livingroom is done, I have a nice cabinet that will serve as my altar once everything else has been done. I'm looking forward to that. Nice hardwood floors being refinished, walls painted, a wall filled with bookshelves, and my alter, right in the heart of our home.

Small things that will make my house a home.

I may not be a "traditional wiccan" but my heart is there, this is what I am. Blessings <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, November 4, 2013

Spell Work

Every spell has different results for different people. For instance, I have tried all spells I post on my blog, but that doesn't mean it'll work, or work the same if you try it.

My key things I do when I cast magic is...

I get all my "supplies" ready first

I envision what I want to do, and picture what I need to do to accomplish it.

I prepare myself for any misunderstandings the universe might give me, and address them.

I get energy flowing by creating a circle and drawing the magic inside myself.

I then make magic, focusing on my cause and the desired results.

After my spell is complete, I let go of the energy I drew up, and set it free into the universe. POSITIVEly sure that the spell will work, and not thinking about it again.

Once I have finished, I clean up and put everything away.

I don't think again about that spell. I go on with my day as if it never happened & it was all just a dream. The energy has left me, so has the magic I weaved.

The time it takes for a spell? I'm not sure about that. Sometimes I feel that it happens right away, other times? It seems to take a long time.

I've NEVER worked "Black" or "Dark" magic. I refuse to use "sacrifices" for any purpose, I won't use blood, or animal products.

When I leave an offering? I leave bread and vegetables, things the earth or animals can consume without harm. I NEVER leave Rice, or anything that can hurt a bird.

We recycle, and try not to create a ton of garbage.

When I  need to "direct" a spell, I either envision them to the best of my abilities, or I use a photo of them. Or a drawing that (in some cases is a stick figure) I can use to focus if nothing else works. If You don't have the physical items you need, but a VIVID imagination, some of the spells you can work without anything in hand. Although it's best to use the objects you need. I have been spell casting for 13 years. I've been studying for 16 years.

I cannot tell you that my spells will work for you, that is something YOU have to decide. If you wish to use a KARMA spell, remember that if you're a "bitch" to people, and you're looking for revenge, that is NOT a good idea. If you want revenge but you don't want to hurt someone, go with a nice simple BINDING spell.

Binding a person from doing harm is much better than doing a Karma Spell to start with.

This way when the three fold happens First you've bound someone from doing bad things, INCLUDING YOURSELF.  and after, when you do a Karma Spell, hopefully you've already gotten all the bad returned that when you get the threefold of your initial actions, then the Threefold Karma, (3x3=9) you're not in a bad place.  If you do the Karma spell and you've not lived by the Goddess for a long time, you've been mean, or you've not paid much attention to how you behave, that makes you at risk for 9 times whatever you've put out there.

I also don't know if there is a limit to how long my spells work for, how powerful they are, or if they'll work at random.

PLEASE remember, anything you do, will come back to you TIMES THREE!

And any spells you do that are not "IN general" spells, aren't allowed.  Binding someone from doing harm is protecting them from themselves. A Karma Spell means if you cast it on someone it will (or should) also give them their Karma whether it's good or bad. In theory this means you can cast a Karma spell on a loved one who does everything (or almost everything) right, and the world still "shits on them."

If You plan to do a spell on someone DIRECTLY, you need their permission. You CANNOT do a LOVE SPELL on a person. You can do a "FIND LOVE" spell, as long as you don't direct it on a specific person.

There are MANY MANY rules when doing Spell Work. This is just a basic lesson, and my opinions.

If you go through some earlier entries, you'll see some of my spells.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be