Friday, December 13, 2013


Every year since my daughter was in first or second grade, the kids started making photo Christmas Ornaments. This means they take a photo of themselves and make it so they can hang it on the tree.

Fact is, I call it Christmas ornaments when I really think of it as Yule Ornaments.  Just one more thing the Christians "Stole" from pagan traditions.

Here's a link: <a href=""></a> <i>This site explains what Yule is, the history and traditions.</i>

We've followed most of them most of my life. Even after I dedicated myself to being Pagan *and more specifically Wiccan* For the most part I tend to refer to our holiday as "Christmas" Although in my heart of hearts, I think in my mind "YULE" But because of my bad experiences when I was a teenager, and everyone criticizing me, trying to change my beliefs and all... I decided even if I am celebrating the Pagan/Wiccan way, calling it the "commonly known name" helps when people ask what I'm doing for "Christmas."

This way I can say, "On Christmas we're going to ____'s mom's house for breakfast, then to his dad's." And I can honestly say, it doesn't bother me. My birthday is the next day... I kind of always had a bit of... Hatred towards Christmas... Maybe I'm just resentful because my mother has spent the past almost 30 years saying "I did you a favor holding you off those last two days" like she could REALLY control if I was born when she first went into labor Christmas Eve or not... But hey... That's not my problem, I didn't ask her to do such a thing ;)

Back to my topic! A few people asked me what We're going to do tomorrow with the "HUGE STORM" coming in, I said "Nothing, I plan to sit at home and relax." Them-"Make Cookies? And treats?" Me-"No, maybe do some Photo Ornaments, hang out, read a book, drink tea???" In my head I'm like "Pull out my paints maybe??? or go out IN THE STORM and take beautiful snowy photos" <3 <3 <3

I know that in the past almost 15 years, the world has become more accepting towards Wiccans & Pagans, but I still feel like, deep down, Christians will never get it & I'll always be looked at like I have three heads when I tell someone I celebrate "Yule" instead of "Christmas"

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be