Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Samhain is tomorrow :) Said "SAH-win"  It's HALLOWEEN for those who don't know better.

My favorite holiday. To me, it's better than Christmas. Sure, there's no presents, but Samhain is so much better. You honor the loved ones past, and get to communicate with them. The vail from one world to the other is thinner. You can dress the way you want to, and NO ONE will judge you for being different.

I would love to wear my cape all winter long, I would love to dress in my wiccan dress all the time, but then, people would think I'm strange.

I want to get some ritual clothes, but I am waiting until I have my altar set up permanently.

This is the week most of my father's family died, and the funerals were held on Halloween. (easier crossings)

I remember when I was 6, my grandfather died. We buried him on Halloween. I went home that night, dressed all black in my witch's costume and begged everyone to bring me out trick or treating. I said "Grandpa's not gone. I'll talk to him later. Right now, he wants me to go get candy!"  No one believed me, but my mother had someone bring me for an hour or so after I begged and begged and begged.  They thought I was being greedy because I still wanted to trick or treat, but that was when I first believed what I believe. Truly, without a doubt.

Every year since? I trick or treat (myself or with my children, or friends kids), and go home, light a candle & talk to my dearly missed loved ones.

My grandmother joined him 5 years ago, and since, I haven't heard from them. I guess they've moved forward.  <3 I miss them, but I'm glad they're together again.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be