Sunday, July 23, 2017

Witches Runes

I have been looking for a long time for the perfect set of witches runes to use.

Tomorrow my plan is to make two sets. One for me, and one to sell. I have an ebay account, but I never sell anything. Why not try it? They're going to be purple with purple glitter, and I'm not sure what color I'll be making the imprints yet. I have made regular runes before, out of wood, but I want to make them out of polymer clay. I have a beautiful set of bone runes I love and I search for a long time to find.

Now, I'm finally making witches runes.

The Witches Runes are different from the Elder Futhark Runes in that the Witches Runes are not an alphabet. The Witches Runes are instead a series of symbols that can be used in divination. There are different versions of the Witches Runes, one uses 8 symbols, another uses 10 symbols and another one uses 13 symbols. You cast the Witches Runes the same way you would Runes.

I'm going to make the 13 set. Here's a link to a site you can get more information about Witches Runes. I've got a book also, and I've spent years researching different sites before deciding I'll make the set myself.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Circle In A Box

A few months ago I went to a place in Poughkeepsie New York, called The Awareness Shop. They're a small store with lots to offer. It's one of the only federally seen Wiccan Churches. I actually think there are only two in the USA. 

When I was there I noticed a few things. They have these notebooks on their shelf for a Book of Shadows. It's actually a year long subscription you can sign up for to receive everything you need to complete your own BOS. They send you kits every month, depending upon what you decide you want to get. The kits have spell supplies to make sure you're able to participate in along with them.

I haven't signed up for it myself because it's currently out of my price range, and I do my own thing. Eventually I would love to join a coven and have more people who share my spiritual beliefs in my circle.

Also while I was there, I discovered they have this AWESOME supply of incense and herbs I never heard of. Their online shop is almost as good as their store. They recorded a CD "Circle in a box" and you can find it on iTunes! Totally worth the money if you need help working your magic and want a guide. Please, don't fall asleep listening to it, funny things have happened to me.

I fell asleep listening to this CD and in my dream, I cut my hand. I woke up with a tiny cut in the same place on my hand.

I love stopping at different witch shops around me. Unfortunately, the closest shops are all over a ninety-minute drive from my home, and I don't get to go as often as I would like.

In mid-August, we're going to go to Salem, MA and I'll try to make notes of the shops I stop in. Until my next entry, Have a glorious day.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Cards Against Humanity

By now everyone has to of herd of this game. I'm going to assume you have too. If not, google it, you will find out what it is. It is NOT a game meant for kids. This is a teen/adult game. Best with adults, alcohol, and all great friends.

I have played twice so far. It's my partner's favorite game. Today I found they just released a "period pack" which I assume will be an amusing addition.

The reason I'm writing?

I honestly want to create some Wiccan/Pagan themed cards. I am hoping they will be just as amusing, or more, than the already made cards. I will have 50 cards- they're "fill in the blank" usually with a noun. So, I have to get playing to decide what I want to do to fill in my cards and make this real witchy fun.

I think I'll add something about skiclad women dancing. LOL

I have a while before I have to create them. I will print them from my computer onto sticky paper and put it on the cards so that it doesn't look messy when we play. I want it to appear that each card is the exact same, and they all remain easy to read.

This is what happens when your partner plays at his friend's house all the time.. You discover there actually is a game out there that is fun, inappropriate, and you don't mind playing sober. <i>I'm the only one of us who doesn't drink- except recently when my partner decided to cut back.</i>

My life is beginning to be something out of a fairy tale. I cannot complain. Next up, I'm going to bring my spirituality back into play and enjoy everything in my life to the fullest.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Facebook Community

I am part of 3 or 4 wiccan/pagan/witchcraft groups on Facebook. I love getting the chance to connect with other people that believe the same things I do on a spiritual level. It makes me feel like I'm not as alone as I feel living in a house full of people who are not spiritual or religious at all, and living in a very Christian town.

One of the downfalls I feel I have come across being a part of one of these groups I find helpful is that people keep posting selfies saying "read my aura" or "read me" or "what do you get from..." I'm an empath- Running across selfies every day gives me a headache. I need to prepare myself for some of this stuff people are unknowingly throwing at me. I am tempted to leave the group because of these fools that don't take in consideration for people like me. Sure, I "hide" the post, but I shouldn't have to.

I joined these groups because the rules clearly state no photos of people on your main post. Selfies are supposed to be a part of the comments. That way people like me are not bombarded by things we don't feel like having no control over. If I want to look at your picture, I'll ask you!

Now, I'm going to go write to one of the admins to the group that is giving me headaches, and ask them to repost about the rules in that group. I would hate to have to leave a group that has many empaths because some fools don't understand what it's like for us.

Then, I'm going to go ground myself, and hope this headache goes away.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be