Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Smudging/Burning Sage

Smudging is a ritual you to to cleanse the home (office or vehicle) of negative energy.

The difference between smudging and burning sage is simple. If you're burning sage as incense, you don't need to bring it outside to disperse the negative energy.

What do you need???

White Sage *either leaves & a safe container to burn it in, or a smudging bundle* (both can be find at your local occult shop)

Lighter *or other method to burn it*

Most people think you need to light a HUGE amount to get the smoke, but the thing is? You don't! Just light enough to give a little smoke trail. The energy will attach to it. This will create a kind of trail for them to follow. Start at the furthest room from the door you wish to end at.

 Light it, and start your smoke trail.

Go into EVERY room and closet.

Wave your burning sage around to make sure all the negativity can grasp the smoke. Make a little pattern you can remember. Wave it around the bed, near clothes hanging in your closet, any space you wish to cleanse.

As you finish your trail, Don't worry about crossing an area you already passed, It's fine, they won't be upset.  Just keep going.

End by going OUTSIDE with your burning sage. This will help you bring the negativity outside.

Once outside you need to put out the emburs. Stop the smoke. The Goddess will absorb the energy into the Earth and it won't trail back into your house.

REPEAT this EVERY DAY for a week and you'll see the energy in your home, office, or vehicle will be different than when you started. Also, do it once a month or so to help keep it going.

The reason you repeat it for a week is so you can fully cleanse the energy from anything it is attached to. If you do it only a day, or two, the "dirty energy" will contaminate all you've cleaned. And 7 is a magic number.

Think about if you are gardening, you're covered in dirt, all over your hands, face, hair, clothes, and shoes. If you remove your shoes at the door, and wash your hands. Will the rest of the dirt find a way to get all over your house? In your food if you start cooking?

I hope this helped :) Remember you don't need to smoke yourself out of your house while smudging. Just light a little bit of your smudge and dance around your house. If you start the week off feeling icky, weighed down, and just "bla" you'll end the week Happy, light, and feeling much better.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be