Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Traditional Wiccan?

When you think of a "Traditional Wiccan" what do you think of?

A skinny woman with long hair, walking skyclad through the woods, with a huge bonfire? A woman with a crooked nose stirring a cauldron? A group of men and woman, standing in a circle, in robes out in a field, chanting together and dancing in the moonlight?

I don't know what I think of as being the "traditional" type really. I sometimes feel I am traditional at times. Then other times I feel I am probably the furthest from.

I don't have an altar, though I have all the pieces (except a wand... I think) ready for one. I don't do magic everyday. I don't always remember to make offerings. But yet? I talk to the Goddess and the God everyday. I study when I have time. I try to plan my day in a way they would like. I try to eat healthy, and "pray" everyday. I meditate a few times a week (because I don't usually remember) and I burn sage to remove bad energy. (I'll post a blog about that later)

I don't judge other people, or religions. I try to live an honest life.

I try to live my life a way that no matter what I do, Karma will be kind to me. Sadly, I'm human and it's not always easy.

We're currently working to remodel the house my boyfriend grew up in. This house was bought in the late 70s, and was built in 1906.

First we did the bathroom. The contractor finally showed up two weeks before school started in August. He said it would only take him "A week or two" to complete it. But it took more like two months... (and I didn't do anything negative...)  It still isn't finished, and all the things that belong in the bathroom are currently in my son's room, and he's sleeping on the couch.

Next, we had planned on doing the livingroom. But, slight plan change... We now have to wait because the main water line coming into the house needs to be replaced. (Yippee) but? I still haven't done magic?

maybe I need to bless this house?! Once the bathroom is finished, we're going to get my son's room back in order, and then the living room. and hopefully the porch will be third. After that, we'll take a few months off from doing anything, and save more money to do whatever the next projects will be.

When my livingroom is done, I have a nice cabinet that will serve as my altar once everything else has been done. I'm looking forward to that. Nice hardwood floors being refinished, walls painted, a wall filled with bookshelves, and my alter, right in the heart of our home.

Small things that will make my house a home.

I may not be a "traditional wiccan" but my heart is there, this is what I am. Blessings <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be