Friday, June 28, 2013

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is when Mercury appears to be traveling in the opposite direction. It lasts for about two or three weeks at a time, and happens three or four times a year.

It can help or hinder a person, depending on their astrological sign and personality.

I'm a Capricorn, and I don't know how this effects me... There are some people who I can obviously watch change when it happens. They get oddly weird, whether it's in a good way or not.

My son for instance... He gets extra whiny, he's 10 and reads two grades ahead of himself. He can also do his sister's homework. (she's two grades above)... When Mercury is in Retrograde, he gets extra whiny, and testing... I hope it's something he'll out grow as he goes through puberty, but who knows really? He may just learn how to control it better.

My daughter? She has ADHD, it doesn't seem to effect her the same way. She get's an ear ache or sore throat when it happens. Nothing that is overwhelming, but she says she feels "weird" and needs extra sleep.

My littlest? Not sure yet how it will effect him. But the first night of the retrograde, he stayed awake until after 11, and was awake at 5 am, without a nap. That all finally hit him last night when he was over tired, and fussy. Threw a fit because I couldn't hold him AND COOK DINNER! He worked himself into an asthma attack. After his nebulizer, he was falling asleep sitting up. I'm not sure if that's because of his lack of sleep, or because of the meds. But it's never happened before.

Me? I tend to have a migraine during the whole thing. I've never thought of it being because of Mercury Retrograde, but I guess I can kind of blame it on that if I pay attention enough... Who knows.

I wonder how this effects others, if it really makes a difference or if it's all in our heads.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be