Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope everyone has had a Happy Thanksgiving! I know I'm a few days later than the holiday, and there is some pagan holiday. Lets see, what did I miss?  Thanksgiving is actually the most pagan of all the major holidays. It's the least changed by time.

I could give you a short history lesson, but honestly, I wanted to take a few minutes and let you guys know what I am Thankful for!

I am thankful for meeting this wonderful woman Chris a little over a month ago. I started in this small business, and I am now an IBO. I hit my first goal yesterday, and I'm getting my first bonus.

I'm pretty happy! So many things I can be thankful for. For one of the first years, I'm not only thankful for my children, but I am also grateful for much, much more.

Thanksgiving isn't a Sabbath. Every year we use Thanksgiving to share what we are thankful for. How many people sat down Thursday and said "I am thankful for..."?  I'm sure Just about everyone did.

I'm a very happy girl right now! <3

Let's see, I had given myself until the end of January to decide if I am going to continue with this business. As of right now, I believe I am going to continue.  If you're interested you can click here to find out more.  Hopefully I'm not totally getting into trouble with blogger by sharing this. Well, I'm stoked. These products are earth friendly! That's my number one selling point! I'm going to start using my first products in the next week or so. Now? I guess my next update on my products will be in time for Yule.


Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Salem Television Series

I have to keep in mind that the whole story base is crap... The writers said "what if all the stories were true?" when they created this.  It's a horror show.

I don't personally like this show, because with programs like this, people fear what they know nothing about.

Yet, I'm still watching it... I'm almost hoping that it has a better story line than what I expect it to have. I already watched the first episode when it first came out, but I am rewatching it because I haven't seen it in so long, and I never had the chance to watch the whole first season. I'm not sure where this is going to go with the story line, but I couldn't watch it before because I had my children around.

Now I'm watching it, because they're all in school, and I like to multitask whenever possible to get things done slightly quicker. Also, if I'm trying to learn something, I need a small distraction... In school I got great grades as long as they let me doodle while I was in class, or listen to music while i was studying. It just happens to be how my brain works... I wish people understood where I am coming from...

Time for me to get back to my real life again.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Reading- The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olsen

The book I am currently reading is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. I have found it enjoyable so far. Basically it is the key to succeeding in everything in life. For instance, all the small choices you make today will effect you. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or even in three months, or a year... But in a decade, or two? All of those small choices you make along the way will effect where you are in life because of how you choose today.

I have started changing my life slowly over the past year. For instance, January I began cutting out the unhealthy things in my diet. Eventually, I started walking, and jogging, and exercising regularly. I stopped drinking soda December 27, 2013, and I have had it once a few months ago, resulting in me getting very ill. 

I haven't finished this book yet, but I am enjoying it. I have started implementing many of the things it talks about in my life, long before I started reading it. 

I feel the small actions you make today will effect your karma. Basically, I feel this book is justifying my beliefs. 

Either way, I think you should give it a chance.  <3

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, October 27, 2014

Opportunity Speaks

Last Spring, I performed a money spell. Two weeks ago, I was offered an opportunity to create an online business storefront. After spending hours researching it, gathering information, and seeing ow it works. I have decided to give it a try.

I can't say that it will bring me in a reasonable amount of income, but I figure since they're offering a low start up fee, and if you cancel within ninety days, you get all your money back. What will I lose? Time? Effort? Well, that's just about nothing in comparison to what I could gain if this does work! They told me my tiny annual income of $15,000, could be earned at least once or twice over per MONTH in a few years with enough work. Well, Looks like I'm jumping in feet first and hoping I can come out of this in a much better place than I am right now.

I can hope hope and hope. <3 Here goes to months and months of working, and putting the time and effort in.  Hopefully by the end of 90 days I'll be ahead of what I put in money wise. Then I can say it was an investment. <3

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, October 24, 2014

"The Secret Circle"

On Netflix Streaming, I discovered this series "The Secret Circle." I am not sure if this is a good show or not just yet. I am watching the second episode right now. I will let you know later on. For now, it's a bit far fetched. But, I'm enjoying it so far.

I really miss Charmed. For as long as I can remember, that's got to be one of my favorite supernatural Witchy television shows.

Anyone have any opinions?

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, October 23, 2014

CSI: Book of Shadows

I just watched this episode of CSI. My daughter LOVES this series in all of it's forms. This episode, is one reason I do like the writers. Sure, one character expresses his opinions like many of the uneducated, then the head man explains the real side of Wicca.

I respect the writers, and thank them for putting in a small amount of education to our beliefs rather than being like many others who choose to judge us where they have no reason to do so.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend you take the time, find it, and watch it.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ten Days Until Samhain

Samhain is ten days away! I cannot believe this year has passed as quickly as it has. I have been so busy, I have almost forgotten about my dear blog.

I'm so sorry everyone! I have decided I need to devote some time to my blog every day. My little one is going to start preschool soon, so hopefully, I won't have as much trouble getting the time I need to write a few words.

My original reason for creating this blog was to go over my Wiccan beliefs and other related subject.

Starting soon, I will be working with a few Wiccan based books. The first book I plan to cover is Wicca- A Year And A Day by Timothy Roderick.  I feel this book has become an easy to fallow self teaching book. I have one I love a little more, but it's a bit more advanced.

My goal is to get myself back in touch with my spiritual side. I plan to read and do exercises, than come and write a bit about each section. Please, keep in mind, I discovered Wicca when I was fifteen years old. I have been on my path for fifteen years already, and I believe what I believe. I was raised in a Christian church until I was about 12 years old, and I was "kicked out" because I "lacked faith."  Over the years, I have given many religions some consideration, but Wicca is my home. When I am out and about with people who don't know me, or think Wicca means devil worshiper, I use the, as I feel interchangeable, word Pagan.

Not everyone thinks the same as I do. In the world of Paganism, there are different kinds, millions of kinds. If you're Pagan, you could be Neo-Pagan. If you're a Witch, you could be Wiccan. Not all Wiccans are witches, and not all witches are Wiccan... This is a very "loose" religion... Also, in the category of Pagan, I feel Buddhists are also Pagan. But, it doesn't stop there... This umbrella is enormous! I have friends who are different versions of Pagan than I feel myself to be. Yet, that's for another day.

Today, I'm going to give you an update, and plan out my next step.

Due to copyrights, I will try to only reference the books I choose to cover. I don't do much magic or spells. I don't like using lite candles if I can help it. I do more of an imagery thing. Instead of lighting a candle and focusing on the flame, Similar to the main character, Morgan, in the "Sweep" series by Cate Tiernan.  I do much of this kind of "spell work" though, I do once in a while perform hands-on spells which are more... well, Physical.

Please feel free to contact me. Also, keep in mind, I don't do "revenge," I can't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do. I do NOT have any spells that can control another person. I do not have any that will cause harm.

I am a very kind person. I feel the nicer and more patient you are, the better your Karma is, and the better your life will be. Even if you feel miserable from time to time.

With all this said, I'm totally looking forward to my favorite day of the year! Hopefully, not too long from now, I will get to celebrate it in one of my favorite places, Salem, Mass.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Soltice

I know I'm a little more than a week late. What did we do last week???

I woke up early, and spent a few hours outside enjoying nature and thanking Gaia for everything she has given me in my life. We brought the kids swimming, and saw my Sister-in-law for her 18th birthday. I also got to read for a little while.

We have done tons of things outside and away from electronics. Been quite busy since we've had nice weather.


Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, June 9, 2014

Friday the Thirteenth

I've seen it, everyone seems to be asking about it... Does Friday's full moon have an effect on Friday the Thirteenth? Or vice versa?

Most witches I know, say "no" the thirteenth falling on a Friday has no effect on the moon, and same of the moon having an effect on Friday. It's just another day...

For me, Friday the Thirteenth is always a good day. Maybe a little hectic, but that's my life. Always running, or doing something for someone. I don't usually get time to relax, and when I do, I'm asleep. Friday the thirteenth has always been the opposite of what it's "supposed" to mean for me. I have a black cat, so if she crosses my path? She either wants attention, or she's hungry.  No bad luck there. If I broke a mirror? I'm clumsy, not going to have seven years bad luck... I just don't agree to all those superstitions everyone is afraid of. Sure, I won't walk under a latter, but that's because I don't want to trip or hit my head, not for the bad luck thing.

The Full Moon, is the same magical Full Moon in June. I don't know what the special meaning is right now, but I'm sure an offering to the Goddess would be a good idea. Just like every full moon.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Beltane, Slightly past due

Blessings Everyone, I know, I haven't wrote in a while, things have gotten a little crazy with the normal life.

I wanted to give a short update, and tell you what I've been up to.

First, Beltane! May first was a Thursday, I had planned to do some ritual outside, but for whatever reason, I didn't get to. I did however, work out in the garden both weekends that surrounded Beltane, and planted grass seed with an offering for the Goddess.  I lit a candle and did some chanting at home, by myself after everyone had gone to bed.

Next, Family stuff. I've been playing a ton with my almost three year old outside in the nice weather, and we've been working on fixing up the old house. The older two kids have baseball and softball, and I've been trying to get out more with my camera.

I've been writing in a notebook and trying to read this book called "the Artist way" by Julia Cameron. I've been trying to set my goals and plan my path to reach those goals.

Now that we've got longer days, and warmer weather, I've been spending less time on my computer, and more outside.

My daughter will be turning thirteen soon, the big One Three! Eeep! That number has special meaning for a few reasons. I'm Wiccan, she's going to be a Teenager now, my thirteenth birthday stunk, and a family tradition passed down on my mothers side, from mother to daughter (or rather grandmother down) is the older woman gives a charm bracelet to the young girl with charms that represent pieces of her life. My grandmother gave me a charm bracelet that had a dalmatian, a clown, a cat, and a bunch of other things that were special to me. Now that my daughter's birthday is coming, I have to figure out if my mother is going to keep with that tradition... or, do I need to go find the charms that were lost 12 years ago when I got divorced and my ex sold the bracelet and charms I had for her for this year... I planned on getting a charm a year, and one for each big event in her life, unfortunately, getting married too young, and leaving an abusive person, means you give up a lot of things.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, April 25, 2014

Karma Spell Results

Have patience, I cast my Karma Spell almost a year ago, in the middle to end of May 2013. Today, I got a phone call. My child support was being paid almost constantly though not in the full amount for the past three months. Suddenly, about two weeks ago, was the last payment. Not sure why, I was ready to call today to find out how he lost his job this time...

Well, the child support office called me, and I called back because I missed the call. The woman told me "We're going to cancel the copia on your case." I wasn't sure what happened, and I asked. Well, The date of the last child support payment, he was incarcerated. Four years ago, he attempted to kill his now ex-girlfriend. Police broke open the door to see him strangling her. He was then put onto probation, and left the state for a few years. When he came back in early December, he was put into a cell for a week or so until a judge could see him.  I'm not sure what he did, I don't know why they revoked his "parole" but he's now sitting in a cell for a minimum of a year. He's not expected to be released until fall 2015.

He is currently exactly where I want him. In Jail or paying me money!

So, the moral of my story is, even if it seems to take forever to get what you want, and for karma to come back... even if you feel the desire to hurt someone, and cause them pain because you feel justified.


Simply wait. Cast the spell if you wish, remembering if you say you want pain to happen, you will have that returned. I wrote my Karma Spell so that if that person you cast it upon is an overall good person, good things will happen to them. Also, you can use it on yourself, if you choose...

I am happy to find out, though it's a slow acting spell, it does work.

Also, life has finally caught up to him.  Keep in mind he has done many bad things to many people, including myself. He was physically, mentally, sexually abusive towards me. If all I get in return is two beautiful children, a little money, and him in jail, I am happy. It's the place he belongs.

I hope you have a glorious day.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Be patient! This takes a long time to see results. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Salem (2014-?) Season one, episode one.

I am watching this new series using my Amazon (instant video) account. It's currently free to subscribe to and watch if you hurry. (as of today, April 22, 2014) I decided to watch it because, well, it's about Salem during the witch trials. I was hoping for something good, respectable... a television show I would enjoy and not be offended by.

They took tales from the "witnesses" then bent and twisted them out of control. I am offended watching this from the witch's point of view.

If I keep my mind on the "entertainment" prospective, it isn't a bad show. I am captivated, although it is very gruesome and violent. I can connect with bits of it here and there, where other parts are just insanely... wrong... just simply wrong.

I have to wonder if the creators of this series wanted to use this as an opportunity to generate chaos in the Wiccan community. I wonder if they wanted to insert fear back into the people who do not know what we do, or what is possible. I won't tell you to watch it, or avoid watching this program. I'll fallow it through, but as I watch each episode, I will probably continue to be upset, sickened, and offended. I don't want to improve their ratings, but with a free season pass, I may as well see if the creators are capable of making it into something... better??? respectable??? more accurate?!?

I know the last isn't possible from the first episode. I don't even have hope that it will become admirable in any way.

I started watching "American Horror Story: The Coven" last fall thinking it was probably a waste of my time, but a friend of mine said "give it a chance." Then I came to enjoy it. Yes, parts of the series were blown out of proportion, misrepresented... But the story line was good enough, I honestly enjoyed the season.

It's like watching a program thinking when you turn it on, that the creators took historical events and turned it into a television series. Then you turn it on, and it's like they took the historical "events" and made the series more of a "What if all this was TRUE!?!" type of thing.

I went to Salem, Massachusetts about 7 or 8 years ago, it was summertime. I'm leaning more to the almost 7 years ago side. There is a building where you go in, sit and watch a "play" or "reenactment" type of movie with sculptures and lights, music, and a story playing.  I think the people who wrote the series "Salem" went into that same place. (which I cannot remember the name of right this minute. I'll grab the info and put it on my blog entry towards the end for you) Then they used that for the core of their series. The witch who started everything with her herbal remedies, the girls who acted out because of the spells cast upon them... The man who was crushed to death because he wouldn't say whatever it is they wanted him to say... Salem Wax Museum

I see it as, this is "the other side of the story" story... the "What if this was all real" side... Sure it's totally blown out of reality, but that's what television is for. If they didn't offend people, they wouldn't know that it was being watched. Sure, we as a community can throw a huge fit, bring a bunch of attention to the series, but that won't help the situation.

The more people who watch, talk about, and spread the word, the bigger the show will become.

I just wanted to put my opinion out there, hopefully see if anyone agrees with me.

My cable company doesn't carry "WGN America" (the television network that shows the series) that's why I chose to get it through Amazon. I figure since it's free, I can go ahead and give the season a try, find out where it brings me, and see how poorly the writers do in the process.

Everything is about creating talk... I guess that's the purpose here... Now... Since I don't carry that network, I need to ask... is it a Christian based network? Are they working on brainwashing people?

Well, Since the first episode is in my past, I should probably move forward with the rest of my day. Don't waste your time watching it if you're easily offended. This series really will do that. Also, avoid it if you don't want to watch some nasty special effects. They're so ick that they seem pretty realistic. Though, it's obviously just the magic of television put to work.

I hope you have a beautiful day, and get to enjoy some light breezes, sunshine, and tons of outdoor activities in the near future.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Can you Make someone do anything?

I received multiple requests for something that would make a person do something they don't want to do. For example, fall in love with me, stop cheating, get a job, grow up... things that a person has to choose to do for themselves.

Imagine yourself in their shoes. Suddenly that girls night you loved so dearly, you can't go on anymore. You used to go out once a month with the girls, get licked, and party. Suddenly, you're stuck at home because someone wants you to be there. There is a difference though, if the reason you're suddenly staying home is because you're there with the kids. You're mom, that's your job according to dad. What about your time out? What about date night? Do these responsibilities make your time away less important?

Sometimes, to "get someone" to do what you want them to do, it's not a spell or magic that you need. All you have to do is talk to them. Tell them how you feel, don't yell at them, don't blame them for all their mistakes. Be willing to take some blame on for yourself. Honey, I know you've been working really hard to support us while I've been home with the kids. I'd like to get a babysitter, and go out." Explaining the situation, and giving ideas of what you'd like to do, or happen, might help the situation. Be sincere. If you're totally finished with the marriage, than SAY IT, don't pretend. "I think we should go see a marriage counselor  We haven't been acting like a couple for a long time, and I'd like to know how we can fix that." There are all types of people out there.

I'll give a really good example. I have a daughter who is almost a teenager, her room is a nightmare most of the time. I can tell her all I want to clean her room, or I'm taking away whatever it is she likes. Mostly electronics, and freedom. What I cannot do is go in there an move her like a puppeteer to pick up and put things away the way I want them. She has to be able to express herself. Though, I can lock her in her room except for bathroom breaks and food for a weekend at a time, that is about the limit of what I can do.

Theoretically, I could write a spell, and make her do it, without her knowing it. But that would mean, I'd be opening up myself to such a thing. If she hates cleaning, or keeping her room clean that much, what would I be stuck doing that I hate three times that much?

This is the reason I will NEVER write such a spell for myself, or for anyone else. I'm not willing to have myself do anything I don't willingly want to do. Sure, I spend a ton of time at home or disappointed because things didn't go as planned. I get sad, emotional, angry... none of those feelings are bad enough to force or bend anyone to do what I want them to do.

Look at the movie Cinderella. If I were the evil step-mother, I'd then get that treatment returned on me times three. I don't want that. EVER.

I try to talk it out, reason, and get help where I can. If I can't find a way to get help, and the situation doesn't get better? I'll either keep trying, depending on how important it is to me, or I'll leave it alone.

I got married when I was 17, I thought I could change his cheating, abusive ways. We met when I was 15. By the time I was 20, I was divorced, and had two beautiful children. That man is still abusive, and a cheater. He will NEVER change his ways. Some things you just need to accept and decide if you're willing to be a victim or if you want to go take care of better, more important things.  Now, I have three beautiful children, a wonderful man in my life they know as their dad, and I couldn't ask for anything better. Though I still want to change things about him... I can't do it.

For all of you who keep asking me if I have a spell to "Make someone" do anything, I have to say, I'm sorry, I do not. I will not.  If you are willing to open the door, you may try my "Karma Spell," just remember, whatever YOU put out, will be returned. If that means you've been a cheater, that might be the reason they are now.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring is Here! (and some IMO stuff)

Hey Y'all!

It's finally Spring! Alright, I'm a week late. Sorry, I've been busy nonstop. Between the wonderful start to the new season and all the great ideas of things to do to welcome in spring, I haven't had time to write anything about Ostara, the Spring Equinox, or Spring, or any of the wonderful things going on!

First off! Ostara! 
The easiest way I can describe Ostara is to say, it's our version of Easter, but a lot BETTER! This is where Easter came from. Welcoming in the new season and everything coming to life again after the long winter season. I'm sure you may have noticed plants growing depending on where you are, and the snow is melting here in the Northwestern part of the US.  Though, Looks like we had a nice storm out here yesterday that gave them a few inches of snow to contend with.

Seems like 2014 is a year winter just doesn't want to quit. Which is okay by me, Gaia can do anything she'd like with the weather. I'll just have to adjust myself to her schedule.

To celebrate the holiday, I got myself a new bicycle. I'm really excited about it. I have a bike that makes me feel like Vata Sultenfuss (from "My Girl" if you didn't know) I even bought a nice wicker basket to hang on the handle bars. I have so much fun riding it, which is part of the reason I chose this bike over my normal ten speed mountain bike.  Since that first day of riding, when the temperature outside was in the mid 50s, it's been cold. I think we were lucky to hit 30° since then. Today though? We're supposed to get up to 42° if I'm lucky! This means I'll get to pull my bike back out, attach my kiddy wagon, and ride around town again.

I love Spring! Not only because the world is coming back to life, and waking up, but because it's the perfect temperature to do things outside. My favorite thing to do come springtime? I think that's obvious, bike riding. After that, I think it's walking. Give me music, and something fun to do outside, and I'm on it!

Spring Vacation here is the week of April 12-20th from school, I think I'll be packing the kids and bikes into my truck and heading out most of that week if possible. I can only hope! Also, I'll be bringing the dog a few times as well. He likes to run next to the bikes, I taught him a few years ago, and he goes. If you want to slow down, you just have to say "Slower pup!" He'll run a little slower. If you want to move faster? Same thing, "Come on!" or "Faster" or "Lets go!" He really enjoys it I think. Also, if we don't bring him for a run a few times a week, he likes to roam our town on his own. That isn't just unsafe, and dangerous, it will cost us big time if he gets picked up by the dog warden or hit by a car. (my poor puppy!) He's a Norwegian Elkhound, and 6 years old. I think he loves Springtime just as much as the rest of us, when everyone starts moving around and playing more.

Also, Sports! One of my favorite sports is Baseball. My kids are playing Baseball and Softball this year. I'm getting impatient waiting for warmer weather when I can teach my littlest how to play T-ball. I think he'll love it too. He can already throw a ball, and catch sometimes. I'm going to get him a t-ball set that pops up, I saw it at Walmart the last time I was there.

What did I do for Ostara other than buy a new bike, and go for a ride? We did some major spring cleaning, aired out the house, bought some grass seed we can't plant yet, and found some fun activities to do with the kids. Since the world around us is more focused on Easter, we tend to do our major celebrating then. We'll color eggs, and do all the Easter like activities with a Wiccan twist. Loads of fun! <3

For a different topic, I wanted to ask... When you have children, do you automatically raise them in your spiritual beliefs, or do you let them decide what they believe on their own?

Personally, I don't practice my beliefs publicly. Not for the fear of being judged by others, but because it is something I like to keep private. I don't like PDAs. (public displays of affection), and I also don't like when people push their religion of others. Since I don't like when others flaunt their personal choices, I choose not to flaunt my own. No matter if its Religion, or sexual preference, I think some things shouldn't be shown in public. I'd prefer to keep the world around us to a "G-Rated" level and keep our kids safe.  I can't control other people, but I can control what I do, and what I let my children be subjected or exposed to. I have books in my library about all kinds of religions, including the Holy Bible. I have read it, I also spent 4 years going to a Morman church with my parents and my children. They're nice people, but I don't believe the same things they do. I "lack the faith," as they called it. That was one of the last times I was there. Since I don't share the same beliefs, there really is no reason for me to continue going.

My brother asked me if he could bring my son to church with him on Sundays. I'm not sure my son wants to do such a thing, but I supposed if he is interested in it, he can go. I won't stop him. Like I said before, I don't mind exposing my children to different religions, and if they choose something different than me, I'm fine with it.

It's like if I wanted to force my children to be straight or gay for any reason. Or to like or not like a person because of their skin color. I don't mind if a white woman is with a black man, or if two men are together, or two women... same races, ages, gender or different. I am more bothered by them making out in public. To be fair, when a couple who are old, married, and in love do more than hold hands and share the love they feel for each other by their actions, I get uncomfortable.  When I see teenagers making out in public, I want to throw up. Even if I think "they belong together."  This is why my guy and I, when we're in public, it's hand holding, and pecks. the major kissing and hugging is in privacy. That doesn't mean we love each other less, it just means we respect others, and ourselves, enough to be capable of keeping our bodies away from each other until an appropriate time.

That's how I feel about Religions. You may have it, you can show off your love for it, you can do whatever makes you feel good. But try to have respect for people who aren't comfortable with how you feel. For instance, you can be totally proud of your body, you can look like a model, but is it appropriate to go around a department store, or grocery shopping in a bikini top? Maybe you should wear your bathing suit when you're at the beach or near a pool? My 10 year old son doesn't need to see your "hot body" when we're buying diapers or food.  I really don't care if  you look good or not, I don't care if we share the same beliefs, if you make me uncomfortable, I will try to avoid you. I simply don't like "advertising."

I understand there are many religions in the world, and many different types of people, that doesn't mean I have to like it.  You can have a great body and cover it up. You can cover yourself in garb of your choice, and not "recruit" new members. You can be totally in love with your partner, and not have foreplay in public. You can own a business and not advertise every minute you're awake. When is it okay to do any and all of that stuff? Well, showing off your hot body is great for modeling, and pool-like activities. Summer doesn't mean "wear next to nothing," it means to wear lightweight, light colored clothing. Dressing in your FULL garb and showing your interests or beliefs? When you go to church, or other gatherings when that is the topic. I've seen people in medieval garb walking around different places, that I deem inappropriate. They're also on their way to or from that event, this means it's alright for them to be dressed however they'd like. So, clothes doesn't mean anything unless you're half naked or showing your private parts where I expect my kids not to see such things. (Shorts should infact COVER YOUR ASS!)  Those people aren't carrying their books, or pamphlets spreading the word of their saviour. (Nothing against those people who do, just please, no more tiny orange books given to kids outside of their school)

I don't mind Elders coming to my house to try telling me about their religion, but when I show no interest or tell them about my beliefs and my experience, I would like it to stop. I don't mind talking about different topics, religion and politics, but I can't have someone tell me I am wrong in what I believe just because it doesn't agree with that they believe.

Advertising is alright in magazines, on the television, newspapers, flyers you get in the mail, or other places you "Expect" to find it, but when I go to a school activity, I don't want to talk about what you need to fix in my bathroom right then. I'd prefer to keep my mind on the activity that affects my children. When this happened I politely said, "I'm sorry, I don't think this is a good time or place to talk about it. I'll talk to you later, don't worry, nothing is wrong." and that was it... I think I may have offended him a little at the time, but I couldn't really talk to the carpenter who remodeled my bathroom, at a meeting about planning a pasta dinner for a fundraiser for our daughters, to tell him that something is leaking through the ceiling above my computer... like I said, there is a time and place for everything. If he waited probably 15 more minutes, and the other parents weren't around, we could have talked and it would have been fine.

I get really upset with the kids I drive to school when summer gets closer. The girls start wearing less and less clothing, their stomachs, butts, and breasts all show. I have to wonder, where are their parents? and don't these girls have any self respect? They're showing off their beach bodies at school, how are any of them going to learn anything? When a girl goes to school with her private parts hanging out, the boys are going to take notice.  When the boys take notice, how are the girls going to keep from responding? And there goes the chain of events that makes everything turn out bad come the high school years.

My job as a parent is to teach the kids right and wrong, expose them to different things that they can choose for themselves, and support them the best I can. If that means they decide they want to be Pagan/Wiccan, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, a doctor, lawyer, homeless... It is all up to them. I try to give them options and prepare them for the possible outcomes that may follow. For instance, if they choose not to do their homework, they then must accept the fact that they're not going to have a good grade in whatever class that is. If they don't want to keep their room clean, they're going to have to miss out on activities they like to do. If they talk back, they don't get to have electronics, and they'll have to go to their room and probably read or find something else to do that I will approve of.

Recently I have found myself on a wall trying to decide what choice I should make for one of my children. I debate on the choices, then I decide this is something I should probably talk to them about. If the child wants to do something, I now have to figure out what is the safest way they can do it?  It's like them learning about religions, if they want to learn, and the books I have doesn't answer all of their questions, I will find someone they can talk to, and we'll go from there.

Since I have now written much more than I had planned to, and much more topic than I had planned, I'm going to end my entry. I hope I can write again before Mabon. (sexy sabat!) Thats the one where we celebrate fertilization and women, the beginning of the circle of life, and all that wonderful stuff.

I hope everyone gets a chance to work in their gardens, or start one, possibly compost, if you don't already, and help make the world a better place for our future. I also hope I haven't offended any of you with my strong opinions. Love and Light

Happy Spring Everyone!
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

You can find more information about Ostara by searching with Google or Bing, or by going to or any of many more sites that has more information.

**An update from my last post? I have lost 30 pounds so far this year, and I've been living my life a whole lot healthier. Thank you all for your positive thoughts. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New What? 2014

Come January we start a new calendar year. My birthday is the day after Christmas, so every year, I start a new year in my life at the same time the calendar needs to be changed. <i>No big deal, right?</i>

For the past 6 years, I have gone to the same OB/GYN, I had infertility issues, and he helped me conceive my little boy, <i>now 2 and a half</i>. During this time, <i>actually longer</i> I have been trying to lose weight, a lot of it. <i>150 ish to be exact</i> I have had no success. I weighed the same after my pregnancy with my son, as I did before. But even breastfeeding, eating right, walking a few days a week, and drinking a ton of water... nothing helped.

This year I ended my 29th year with an endometrial biopsy on Christmas Eve. I tried to enjoy my holiday, and the past two weeks with my family and friends. Although, most of the time I was in pain, I did enjoy most of the time we had together.  I got my results back that Friday, and everything is fine, But I still needed to heal. It was a simple procedure, painless in the moment, but because my uterine lining doesn't shed on it's own, messing around down there, causes me pain and discomfort.

Two days ago, I went in for my follow-up. January 3. We decided on a game plan for this year. Now that I am officially 30, I am going to lose the weight I gained when I was 20 and going through divorce. I will end this year being able to look at the woman I have become, instead of seeing the girl I once used to be. I will lose this constant reminder of my ex-husband and all the pain he caused me, and in a way keeps causing me, because of the constant reminder.

Yesterday I started this new chapter. I have a proscription that is supposed to help boost my metabolism, and assist in the jumpstart of me losing weight.  I don't know right now if it will work, but I will try anything short of cutting me open and putting a rubber band around my stomach. I refuse to have unnecessary surgery.

Now, here I am, starting my journey to the new me. The reason for my new year's resolution "Not Giving Up" because THIS is what I want.

I want to go into a store, see clothes I like, and have OPTIONS in my size. I want to run around with my kids, play sports, Possibly RUN! I like jogging, why don't I do it? My legs feel like they'll break under my weight. I want to chase my kids, and I want to live a long healthy life.

With my doctor's help, and his words of advice "Eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess, and dinner like a pauper." I WILL drop these unwanted, unnecessary pounds.


I will get the self confidence I pretend I have, I will lose weight I don't want, I will get my photography known, I will transition myself into a beauty on the outside instead of just within me.

I know, this blog is not supposed to be based on health, or anything other than "My Wiccan Thoughts" But today, I wanted to share this.

I believe it may be partly due to the Goddess that I was blessed with the doctor I have, that I may receive the help I desire, and I may emerge in a year as the beauty I dream to be.

One dream I have, is to have a photo of myself in the light of the Goddess, empowering myself with her magic. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do, or how I'd like to look, but my dream photo of me, is nude, in nature with only my hair or leaves covering my "bits & pieces." I will need to find a talented photographer to assist me, and I believe I may know one. Though, I refuse to request this photoshoot until I have reached a point where I am proud of my naked body. That photo, I will get in a large scale print, and put somewhere in my house. Depending on how great it looks, I might put it in the bathroom, or my bedroom. If it ends up looking like I'm not nude, or very classy <i>like how I would like it to look</i> I might put it in a more common place.

When I have reached this goal, I will be proud to show off how I look. I will stand in front of people and not be afraid to be the center of attention. I will start conversations my weight makes me feel I shouldn't even try.

Sometimes I feel insecure because of my weight. <i>Most of the time, any insecurities I feel, <b>IS</b> because of my weight</i> and this is why when my doctor said he could assist me, I jumped at the opportunity.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

A new year started, and with that a new philosophy for me.

2014 is the year I refuse to give up.  On myself, my goals, my dreams, my photography, my blogs, my religion, my home remodel. Anything that I have wanted to do, that I put on the back burner, I will find time to work on this year.

Mainly, if I feel like something is "Too Hard" then I will simply not give up on it.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be