Most witches I know, say "no" the thirteenth falling on a Friday has no effect on the moon, and same of the moon having an effect on Friday. It's just another day...
For me, Friday the Thirteenth is always a good day. Maybe a little hectic, but that's my life. Always running, or doing something for someone. I don't usually get time to relax, and when I do, I'm asleep. Friday the thirteenth has always been the opposite of what it's "supposed" to mean for me. I have a black cat, so if she crosses my path? She either wants attention, or she's hungry. No bad luck there. If I broke a mirror? I'm clumsy, not going to have seven years bad luck... I just don't agree to all those superstitions everyone is afraid of. Sure, I won't walk under a latter, but that's because I don't want to trip or hit my head, not for the bad luck thing.
The Full Moon, is the same magical Full Moon in June. I don't know what the special meaning is right now, but I'm sure an offering to the Goddess would be a good idea. Just like every full moon.
Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.
Blessed Be