I don't personally like this show, because with programs like this, people fear what they know nothing about.
Yet, I'm still watching it... I'm almost hoping that it has a better story line than what I expect it to have. I already watched the first episode when it first came out, but I am rewatching it because I haven't seen it in so long, and I never had the chance to watch the whole first season. I'm not sure where this is going to go with the story line, but I couldn't watch it before because I had my children around.
Now I'm watching it, because they're all in school, and I like to multitask whenever possible to get things done slightly quicker. Also, if I'm trying to learn something, I need a small distraction... In school I got great grades as long as they let me doodle while I was in class, or listen to music while i was studying. It just happens to be how my brain works... I wish people understood where I am coming from...
Time for me to get back to my real life again.
Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.
Blessed Be