Friday, May 31, 2013

Storms, Heat, & Gaia's Will

Wednesday Gaia had given us storms that took down trees. EVERYWHERE! I was amazed we never lost power. Thank goodness we took down trees last year to prevent any of the old weak ones falling on our house.

The roads I had to travel Thursday night were awful. Trees were strewn in the road. I was amazed they opened them to use so early.

Thursday and today we had heat in the 90's.

I am in awe of how Gaia can change what she gives us from one moment to another. I wish I wasn't on a schedule yesterday and today, and I could have taken out my camera and taken some artsy pictures of the trees.

~Remember, No matter what the weather is, or what happens during (or because of a storm), make sure you thank Gaia for keeping you and your family safe. If you wrong her, maybe you won't be so lucky. I haven't herd of any "Organic Farms" being destroyed by a tornado. Just a thought. Maybe, all the pollution we are causing in the world, is making Gaia angry.

Then again, Maybe she is just working on thinning out the trees, and cutting down on some critters.

I always say "Why Gaia?" when I drive down the road and pass fresh roadkill. I feel badly for the animals. But that is her will.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sort of a BOS

Seems as though I've decided that this blog will be kind of a Book Of Shadows (BOS) for me. I will eventually create a wonderful book of shadows. I've been planning it for years, yet never have I started it officially. I wanted to put in the Wiccan Rede, but I don't believe I need it. I think I may just put in notes that I find useful. Spells I have performed. (and possibly the results to some)

This blog? I think it is a sort of BOS for me. I am trying to remember the spells I have performed in the past, I want to document them.  Eventually I will have a BOS, and I will include a nice picture of it on here when I do. I am almost afraid to purchase an already made BOS because it doesn't have MY MAGIC in it. Every time I go to the store, I find some that hit my fancy, but don't seem to fit me. It's not like my wind chime. I found it, I Couldn't live without it.

I think my BOS will be a stack of parchment paper that I bind together and wrap with faux skin and a string of some kind. I may "etch" something on the front to make it an "official" BOS. But who knows now.

I hope you're enjoying my blog, & Can eventually start your own BOS to help you to document your experiences in life with Wicca.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Old Banishing Spell

6 years ago, I created this Banishing Spell. This way the cause of my broken heart, could stop interfering with my everyday life.

Items Needed:

1-Piece of Toilet Paper
2-A Pen
3-A Bathroom
4- A Clear mind of what you want to banish from your life

On a piece of toilet paper write down what you never want in your life again. (Writing "Heart Break" Will NOT WORK)

For example, when making your list think of people who cause more pain then pleasure in your life. Those are the things you can write on this paper. I wrote my Ex's names because no matter what I couldn't get them out of my life. Although I did tell my ex to GO AWAY And never come back. He still came up every time something good happened he had to be there to remind me of the bad.

After you make your list, imagine your life without these people. (Be careful you don't want to put people you still love on this list, you will never be able to get them back in your life.)

Walk  into the bathroom (unless of course you already are in there) Picture your life Happier, more peaceful, and without those people. (best results if you banish an abusive ex you don't want anywhere near you)

while you're picturing your Happier Life, toss the toilet paper list into the toilet. Flush and say

 "I banish you from my life, to never return the same way again."

Repeat that until all the water has gone down, and new has replaced it.  From there, release the spell, and let it work. Forget that you did it.

Good luck <3

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Karma Spell

I found this wonderful spell on the internet. It's a Karma Spell.

Usually I wouldn't want to mess with Karma, but this one is a little too enticing.  There are a few things you need.

1-A picture of the person you want Karma to work on
2-A red Candle
3-A clear mind.

(I'll put the spell the way I found it, then I'll explain how I'm changing it)

place the picture of the intended in front of the candle, close your eyes and visualize the power of three being cast upon them, then chant three times
'let cruelty, pain and evil ways
follow this villain through his days
reverse the torment he creates
to turn on him the crueler fate'

them blow out the candle.

(My version)

Instead of using just a plain red candle, I am going to make a special red candle with some Salt Petre, and Dragon's Blood added to the wax.

From there, I will do the spell about the same way. (at least as far as I know just from planning)

The candle will make the difference. The more work you put into it, the more magic it will give off.

I will later give a blog about how the spell went, and possibly an outcome much later. We'll see. He needs it.

"Let Cruelty, Pain, and Evil ways, fallow this man through his days. Reverse the pain he creates, to turn on him the Crueler Fate. All his actions from the past, will meet up with him at last, and stay with him until he has changed and taken full responsibility for his past. So Mote it Be."

This also means that three fold this Karma spell to myself means that all the bad things I have done in my life will pay back to me. Fortunately, I am usually kind, forgiving, honest. I try to harm none, and do the best I can along the way. The three fold law will apply to this I am sure, but the pain I will have to endure as a result of casting this spell can in no way be worse then the pain that man had given to me. He was abusive mentally, physically, sexually. Left me to raise our two children on my own (though after 5 years I found my love). He disowned my son when he discovered I was pregnant, though he raped me to create him. He hasn't paid any child support (except maybe $400 total dollars in the past 11 years). He broke my ribs, tried to kidnap my daughter, threatened to come take her away from me. Among many other things. Cheating on me, lying. Stealing from my daughter and myself. Stealing from his own mother, and blaming me. He beat his second wife, almost killed her, Killed his second child with her. It is like he feeds off of people's pain. When Karma attacks him, He will all but die. (i hope) He is a very evil man.

We'll see how this works. But I hope it will do the trick and I won't have to worry about money or him having "the good life" after causing so many of us pain.


I did a binding spell to his mother when she was torturing me in the past. Every time she would spy on me, or try to hurt me or my kids, I could tell it was her. I took an old picture of her, a piece of white ribbon and chanted.

"I Bind you (name), From doing Evil. Evil against yourself, and evil against others. I Bind you (name) from hurting others, and hurting yourself."

I repeated that until her whole photo was wrapped in the ribbon. Envisioning her being wrapped by a white light. I didn't bind good magic, healing magic. Only the bad stuff. She has been living an honest life since.

After I wrapped her photo and finished the spell COMPLETELY. I put the picture back in the album, and rolled my ribbon back up.

I reuse anything that I can.

When you're done with the spell, you need to feel the magic leave you and go into the universe. When no more "magic" flows from the image and ribbon, you're done, and can put everything away.


With that in mind, I think I may end up dripping some wax onto the picture of him, or using the picture as a candle stand. (not sure yet). I feel that if the photo is part of the wax, it will hold more power. I could be wrong, but when the Goddess tells me how to do something, I listen.

Maybe that's why I slightly change spells I find else where.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


For over a month I have been working on digging out this old garden in the house my love and I have finally bought. This garden was quite overgrown and filled with chaos.

At first, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it, but after a year of thinking and planning I decided to turn it into a butterfly/hummingbird garden. This means other creatures will be drawn as well.

6 weeks ago we started off by pulling out some old rhododendron bushes, and moving four other trees. I was going to save the hibiscuses, but now they have found a nice location by my toddler's playhouse. (I like them there, and I can't see them now)

After pulling weeds, Tilling, Raking, Tilling, fertilizing, tilling, the planting FINALLY started. I now have Butterfly bushes, Bleeding Hearts, and many other plants that just found their way into the garden this past weekend. After that was finished, I hung this BEAUTIFUL wind chime I found at my FAVORITE Store. From there, I put in solar lights. Now I'm waiting for a solar powered pump to arrive so I can put my fountain back together and put it into the garden.

This wasn't planned to be put together the way I have, but yet, it seems about right.

EARTH-the garden
AIR- the wind chime
FIRE- the solar lamps
WATER- the fountain.

Later when I have my fountain going, I will take my pictures and post them to my blog. I feel like I have honored the Goddess with my garden. It feels magical to me and I am proud of the way it has come out. Near there, I let my son plant an "eating garden." This is a place where eventually I'll have a pagola (or arbor) built so I can sit outside and speak to the Goddess, perform magic, and not worry about being judged.  Three sides will have lattice work so I can have vines climbing to help me with my privacy.

After my fountain is finished, I will put in my stepping stones, possibly put in some mulch, and take pictures of this wonder work of art. I will also take pictures through out the summer to show how much it has grown from the "baby plants" it is now, to what it will become in the next few months.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Get To Know Me

Hi there,

This is my first entry into this blog. Don't misunderstand me, this isn't my first blog. I have a few that I write in covering different topics.

This blog is "My Wiccan Thoughts," meaning if it's a magical topic, or has anything to do with Wicca (or paganism in general) I will try to write about it here.

I am the mother of three wonderful children, and I have the best man in my life a woman could ask for. All the key people in my life will show up here and there through out this blog, but they aren't my topic, so I will try to give only minimum mention to them.

I am 29 years old, I have been blogging since June 2005, and that blog currently has about 1,000 entries in it. I try to write regularly, though sometimes I can go days, weeks, or months with nothing. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. On top of that? I enjoy Art, Crafts, Photography, technology. I also love my Wiccan beliefs.

While I am Wiccan, and refer to myself as a witch, I have yet to go through the official year and a day training with a mentor. I have not found someone who beliefs the same things as I do, that also lives close enough to me to help me become one with my beliefs. Though, I do not doubt my spiritual path.

I am what one calls a "Solitary Witch," This means that instead of having a coven (although I have been searching) I practice alone.

I do not tend to do the whole "Making a circle" and "Lighting candles" thing, mostly because I'm afraid of the mess I will probably make, or burning down my house, or having someone walk in on me and getting scared of what I'm doing.

Although I have, in the past, created a circle and lit candles, and done magic the "traditional way" I tend to do most  of my daily rituals by "visualization." This means instead of lighting a candle and staring into the flame, I will imagine the flame. Instead of drawing a circle around me, I will imagine I have drawn the circle and see the magic flowing around me. It is a ton of meditation magic.  (that's what I think of it as) Occasionally, I do create spells, and practice them.

I feel as though the Goddess accepts me for who I am, and the ways I communicate with her. I believe you can't do something too wrong when you feel the Goddess approves. That is one of the many reasons why I am glad to be a solitary witch.

Though it is lonesome sometimes, and my love's family gets upset about it sometimes, I am okay with that.

When I first came out to my parents about what I believe, they didn't know how to react. I was afraid my family would fear I was working with the devil, when my mother asked me I answered with "I don't believe in the devil" and she wasn't sure what to say. After months of her asking me questions about what I believe she has become comfortable (and now it's been over a decade) with what I believe.

I have given other religions a chance, but none of them have had the same affect on my life as Wicca has. I am not a high priestess, I will probably never consider myself one. Instead, I will fallow my path the best that I can and share my thoughts with you.

If you would like my opinion or thoughts about some topic, feel free to ask. I am sure there is some way to contact me though my blog.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be