Friday the thirteenth can be a good or bad day depending upon the power you give it.
For me personally, its usually a good day.
Yesterday I woke up for work feeling energized before my alarm went off. I accomplished more than I expected to in the time I had between work. I think I got into overtime again in my "part time job." My ex made a childsupport payment. <I>he's a bit of a deadbeat father...</I> my honey and I had a great night together and got to visit without feeling exhausted after working 6am-8pm for each of us.
Just a whole bunch of little things that added up to a good day.
My partner and best friend, would say the day was not so good for him. He stepped in doggy poo for the first time in 6+ years. He smacked his head on the cabinet, got a splinter... All minor things that could have ruined his day until he realized what the day was and I fixed his outlook.
Friday the thirteenth is special for witches because there are 13 full moons every year. 13 is the "perfect" coven size. Friday is for the goddess Freya. I'm sure there's much more in the reasoning for the day to be magical.
Many people I know and care about just think of nightmare on elm street when its Friday the thirteenth.
It all depends on your viewpoint.
I hope you had a blessed Friday the thirteenth.
I hope you had a blessed Friday the thirteenth.
Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.
Blessed Be
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