Sunday, July 9, 2017

Facebook Community

I am part of 3 or 4 wiccan/pagan/witchcraft groups on Facebook. I love getting the chance to connect with other people that believe the same things I do on a spiritual level. It makes me feel like I'm not as alone as I feel living in a house full of people who are not spiritual or religious at all, and living in a very Christian town.

One of the downfalls I feel I have come across being a part of one of these groups I find helpful is that people keep posting selfies saying "read my aura" or "read me" or "what do you get from..." I'm an empath- Running across selfies every day gives me a headache. I need to prepare myself for some of this stuff people are unknowingly throwing at me. I am tempted to leave the group because of these fools that don't take in consideration for people like me. Sure, I "hide" the post, but I shouldn't have to.

I joined these groups because the rules clearly state no photos of people on your main post. Selfies are supposed to be a part of the comments. That way people like me are not bombarded by things we don't feel like having no control over. If I want to look at your picture, I'll ask you!

Now, I'm going to go write to one of the admins to the group that is giving me headaches, and ask them to repost about the rules in that group. I would hate to have to leave a group that has many empaths because some fools don't understand what it's like for us.

Then, I'm going to go ground myself, and hope this headache goes away.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be