When I was there I noticed a few things. They have these notebooks on their shelf for a Book of Shadows. It's actually a year long subscription you can sign up for to receive everything you need to complete your own BOS. They send you kits every month, depending upon what you decide you want to get. The kits have spell supplies to make sure you're able to participate in along with them.
I haven't signed up for it myself because it's currently out of my price range, and I do my own thing. Eventually I would love to join a coven and have more people who share my spiritual beliefs in my circle.
Also while I was there, I discovered they have this AWESOME supply of incense and herbs I never heard of. Their online shop is almost as good as their store. They recorded a CD "Circle in a box" and you can find it on iTunes! Totally worth the money if you need help working your magic and want a guide. Please, don't fall asleep listening to it, funny things have happened to me.
I fell asleep listening to this CD and in my dream, I cut my hand. I woke up with a tiny cut in the same place on my hand.
I love stopping at different witch shops around me. Unfortunately, the closest shops are all over a ninety-minute drive from my home, and I don't get to go as often as I would like.
In mid-August, we're going to go to Salem, MA and I'll try to make notes of the shops I stop in. Until my next entry, Have a glorious day.
Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.
Blessed Be