I walked around the little shop for a long time until there was only the shop worker and me left. I was insecure, and extremely shy. Add in the fact that if anyone knew I had decided to stop in this shop, I'd become labeled as some kind of freak.
As I walked around, I began to feel more and more open. The shop woman finally told me to listen to the store, it would talk to me.
I ended up looking at tarot cards. There were two that seemed to "talk to me" but the more I listened, the more I felt a tiny pull towards the deck I would bring home. The shop woman told me I could always get more decks if this one wasn't exactly right, but here I am... Still preferring the same deck.
Without further ado, my first deck.
"Tarot of Northern Shadows" Howard Rodway (English edition) copywrite 1997 AGM AGMüller, CH-8212 Neuhausen, Switzerland. ISBN 3-905219-12-3
I know it's an odd choice for a deck when you're thirteen, but that may be what made it so special. Also, I can tell the outcome of a reading before I've actually had the chance to finish reading my cards.
I'm the type of girl that instead of learning the correct meaning of the cards, like I want to, I "listen" to what they're trying to say. Maybe that's why this is MY deck. I have a bond that stretches over a decade. (Come to think about it, almost two!)
This is my first connection with Wicca and being pagan. I didn't understand what I was so drawn to, and still today, I don't fully understand the connection.
So, if you're looking at a deck of tarot cards and each time you see them you feel drawn, maybe you need to bring it home? This deck is a bit "adult" and if I wasn't drawn like I was, I probably wouldn't have been able to get it. The last in stock, only one of its kind... Never saw another like it.
Maybe you're not into Tarot. In that case, this entry isn't for you.
My plan is to write a little about each card, and share an image with a picture of each. I love how creepy some of them are.
My next Tarot blog will give more information about what Tarot is, and such. Then I will go into details about my deck. <3
Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.
Blessed Be