Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I can barely believe this Friday is Beltane! I missed out on our local Beltane festival last weekend... 😭 but I've also been doing a ton of extra work, building my business, making contacts, preparing for a vendor sale, and creating a PowerPoint presentation. Also, we threw a bbq for my sons 12th birthday. Not many people showed up, but he was happy.  Right! My daughter also broke her wrist, and I had to deal with a bunch of idiots at the ER and then trying to get her into her normal orthopedist.

The bright side is I have a decent size check coming on payday and I can invest some of that extra money towards my business. 😍

Now my plans for Beltane? I'm not sure. I've been walking a lot, maybe it'll be a good day to hike Saturday since I cannot afford to miss work on Friday. Even for religious reasons. 😏 though I have rights to miss work eight days of the year. 

I think I'll work on the garden and plant a few flowers for Gaia. 

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be