Most of us witches are on a budget. Anything from a limited income or having a family and our expenses and more important items come first.
If you're new and looking for a place to start your journey, where do you start?
I say start by reading. There are a ton of books available through your library, online and friends. If your library is missing the books you're after, check the online catalogue and go from there.
There are also tons of resources online to help you get started.
Don't buy books first hand. EBay and Amazon have great sales on used books and also secondhand shops.
Many items you can find online inexpensively or you can chose pay big bucks for basically the same items.
What do you need to get started in witchcraft? It really depends on your goals and starting point.
I'm a firm believer in only paying for the necessities. There are groups out there that you can pay to do their "witch course" that gives you an "in" to their coven. Any good coven will allow you to join for free. The ones you pay for is really just a scheme, in my opinion. Sure it's a fast track for information, but when you have 30-100+ people joining your coven at $500-800/each once a year, you have enough of an income for a years worth of a real job. It makes me angry... But to each witch their own.
One person's path is not the same as another. What you're willing to pay is up to you.
I've spent most of my money on books over the years, most of them 75% off. Then is my crystals. I have an enormous collection. I get tools from tag sales and clearance sections.
I personally refuse to allow my craft to bankrupt me.
There are a few places you can go to and join their "year and a day" workshop to join their coven or have the tools to go out on your own after the year. Those you'll find by going to a local metaphysical store. Look online for "witch shops" and I'm sure you'll find something near you. Talk to the owners and they'll help direct you where you need to go or what to do. They do cost money, but they give you tools and spell ingredients. You will likely have to purchase your perminate tools later, but they give you pages for your BOS. (Book of shadows)
There is a legal church that has a year and a day program. They send you a monthly package and it's 30-50/month I think... I don't recall... I did look into it and I'm willing to share their information. Look up "the awareness shop" in NY. Their website has all that information and it gets shipped to your door.
Let me repeat, you do not <I>have</I> to pay for a year and a day program to become a witch. You can study and dedicate yourself.
I was 13 years old when I started following my path. I spent 2 years learning and absorbing all the information I could. I decided my spiritual path when I was 15 and started on my "year and a day" path using only what I could get my hands on without any outside help.
My parents are both Christian. That's their spiritual path, this is mine.
By the time I was 16, I was officially a witch. I'm now in my mid 30s.
I live my journey daily. I meditate. I listen to my intuition. I have learned I come from a long line of witches that I never knew, until quite recently.
My whole point writing today, was to share the real cost of becoming a witch and practicing witchcraft.
Most spells can be done with very little. A piece of paper and a pen, a tea light candle, salt, or just yourself.
The most important thing you need is education before you start performing magic.
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