Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I received an email this morning from a very concerned person. Thank you UnNamed :)

I didn't realize I didn't say this about candles before. You don't blow out candles when you're working magic. It breaks the bonds. (maybe I didn't say it, because I didn't think about it...) in all honesty.  I usually snuff my candles when I put them out. I just don't normally think about it, as it's part of my closing ritual.

I have a beautiful candle snuffer I use.

Eventually I'll take photos of all of all of my magical tools.

I wanted to share this information incase I didn't earlier, in any of my previous posts.

Thank you again UnNamed. <3

If you have anything you'd like to share with me, please, send me a message. I love topic ideas, questions, and constructive criticism.

May you all have a blessed Yule. (with only three days to go).

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Friday, December 13, 2013


Every year since my daughter was in first or second grade, the kids started making photo Christmas Ornaments. This means they take a photo of themselves and make it so they can hang it on the tree.

Fact is, I call it Christmas ornaments when I really think of it as Yule Ornaments.  Just one more thing the Christians "Stole" from pagan traditions.

Here's a link: <a href="http://wicca.com/celtic/akasha/yule.htm">Wicca.com/Yule</a> <i>This site explains what Yule is, the history and traditions.</i>

We've followed most of them most of my life. Even after I dedicated myself to being Pagan *and more specifically Wiccan* For the most part I tend to refer to our holiday as "Christmas" Although in my heart of hearts, I think in my mind "YULE" But because of my bad experiences when I was a teenager, and everyone criticizing me, trying to change my beliefs and all... I decided even if I am celebrating the Pagan/Wiccan way, calling it the "commonly known name" helps when people ask what I'm doing for "Christmas."

This way I can say, "On Christmas we're going to ____'s mom's house for breakfast, then to his dad's." And I can honestly say, it doesn't bother me. My birthday is the next day... I kind of always had a bit of... Hatred towards Christmas... Maybe I'm just resentful because my mother has spent the past almost 30 years saying "I did you a favor holding you off those last two days" like she could REALLY control if I was born when she first went into labor Christmas Eve or not... But hey... That's not my problem, I didn't ask her to do such a thing ;)

Back to my topic! A few people asked me what We're going to do tomorrow with the "HUGE STORM" coming in, I said "Nothing, I plan to sit at home and relax." Them-"Make Cookies? And treats?" Me-"No, maybe do some Photo Ornaments, hang out, read a book, drink tea???" In my head I'm like "Pull out my paints maybe??? or go out IN THE STORM and take beautiful snowy photos" <3 <3 <3

I know that in the past almost 15 years, the world has become more accepting towards Wiccans & Pagans, but I still feel like, deep down, Christians will never get it & I'll always be looked at like I have three heads when I tell someone I celebrate "Yule" instead of "Christmas"

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Just a few short weeks away, Yule is arriving so quickly!

Do any of you celebrate all the holidays? I'm curious. I do celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Yule. I know it's strange to think about, being that Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't Pagan holidays, they're more... traditional than religious in our lives.

Once upon a time Family came first, and the holidays meant FAMILY, but now? With commercialism, that's getting less and less important.  Thanksgiving night stores open up after dinner time, so people wanting "Deals" can come spend money they don't really have to spend. Then the next day they have "Early Bird" savings, where more people try to "save" more money by spending more that they can't afford.

Christmas is now about who gets what, now who sees who.

My kids are to the point they ask for "necessities" for Christmas, that's the only time they get New clothes, other than that, they only get hand-me-downs. Sometimes, I give them nice hand-me-downs for Christmas depending on when we get them.


That is a holiday where we have a special dinner, and game night. We spend that extra few hours relaxing and turning out the world. We sit around our tree, and share our love for one another. NO GIFTS.

Sometimes we have to go to a Christmas party and we don't get to spend Yule the way we want to (totally) but when it comes to myself and my kids, Yule is celebrated the way WE WANT. It's special family time, including some bird seed offerings, maybe some bread? a craft to bring out into the snow, by the garden for the Goddess and her animals.

It's one of the small things we do that mean a lot in our hearts.

And it's also a Holiday that the department stores don't consider when they're making cards or selling junk to the consumer.

Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be