Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Soltice

I know I'm a little more than a week late. What did we do last week???

I woke up early, and spent a few hours outside enjoying nature and thanking Gaia for everything she has given me in my life. We brought the kids swimming, and saw my Sister-in-law for her 18th birthday. I also got to read for a little while.

We have done tons of things outside and away from electronics. Been quite busy since we've had nice weather.


Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be

Monday, June 9, 2014

Friday the Thirteenth

I've seen it, everyone seems to be asking about it... Does Friday's full moon have an effect on Friday the Thirteenth? Or vice versa?

Most witches I know, say "no" the thirteenth falling on a Friday has no effect on the moon, and same of the moon having an effect on Friday. It's just another day...

For me, Friday the Thirteenth is always a good day. Maybe a little hectic, but that's my life. Always running, or doing something for someone. I don't usually get time to relax, and when I do, I'm asleep. Friday the thirteenth has always been the opposite of what it's "supposed" to mean for me. I have a black cat, so if she crosses my path? She either wants attention, or she's hungry.  No bad luck there. If I broke a mirror? I'm clumsy, not going to have seven years bad luck... I just don't agree to all those superstitions everyone is afraid of. Sure, I won't walk under a latter, but that's because I don't want to trip or hit my head, not for the bad luck thing.

The Full Moon, is the same magical Full Moon in June. I don't know what the special meaning is right now, but I'm sure an offering to the Goddess would be a good idea. Just like every full moon.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be