Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Beltane, Slightly past due

Blessings Everyone, I know, I haven't wrote in a while, things have gotten a little crazy with the normal life.

I wanted to give a short update, and tell you what I've been up to.

First, Beltane! May first was a Thursday, I had planned to do some ritual outside, but for whatever reason, I didn't get to. I did however, work out in the garden both weekends that surrounded Beltane, and planted grass seed with an offering for the Goddess.  I lit a candle and did some chanting at home, by myself after everyone had gone to bed.

Next, Family stuff. I've been playing a ton with my almost three year old outside in the nice weather, and we've been working on fixing up the old house. The older two kids have baseball and softball, and I've been trying to get out more with my camera.

I've been writing in a notebook and trying to read this book called "the Artist way" by Julia Cameron. I've been trying to set my goals and plan my path to reach those goals.

Now that we've got longer days, and warmer weather, I've been spending less time on my computer, and more outside.

My daughter will be turning thirteen soon, the big One Three! Eeep! That number has special meaning for a few reasons. I'm Wiccan, she's going to be a Teenager now, my thirteenth birthday stunk, and a family tradition passed down on my mothers side, from mother to daughter (or rather grandmother down) is the older woman gives a charm bracelet to the young girl with charms that represent pieces of her life. My grandmother gave me a charm bracelet that had a dalmatian, a clown, a cat, and a bunch of other things that were special to me. Now that my daughter's birthday is coming, I have to figure out if my mother is going to keep with that tradition... or, do I need to go find the charms that were lost 12 years ago when I got divorced and my ex sold the bracelet and charms I had for her for this year... I planned on getting a charm a year, and one for each big event in her life, unfortunately, getting married too young, and leaving an abusive person, means you give up a lot of things.

Love and Light
Merry we meet, merry we part, merry we meet again.

Blessed Be